Link x Reader-Part 11

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Your POV

"Back to where our priorities lie," Link said, hitting Epona's side with the back of his foot.

She started into a gallop, the sound of her hooves hitting the ground was peaceful.

You wrapped your arms around his waist, not wanting to fall.

He set his hand on top of yours briefly before grabbing the reigns again.

"This looks like the place..." he mumbled, Epona slowing to a steady trot.

She stopped abruptly, and you sat up so Link could get down.

"Stay here, I don't want you getting hurt," he instructed.

"What if you get hurt?" you protested, pouting.

He insisted you stay, but you wouldn't let him go by himself and followed anyway, despite how much he tried to convince you to stay.

You followed close behind him to where he guessed Colin was being held captive.

"Yikes, this looks dangerous," you said, seeing the way over to the platform was a land bridge being held up by almost nothing.

You crept over it carefully, not wanting it to fall, obviously.

Once you got to the other side, you sighed in relief.

"Solid ground!" you cried, patting the soft grass under your feet.

Link walked a few steps before quickly dropping to his hands and knees, pulling you down as well.

"This way," he whispered, gesturing to a small hole in the mountainside.

There was a higher ledge once you crawled through, too tall for either of you to see over.

Link picked you up on his back, and stood up so you could see over.

"You see anything?" he asked.

"Uh, a few Bokoblins circling a cage... It looks like Colin's in the cage!"

He put you back down on the ground, and the two of you ran over to them.

"Let him go," Link ordered, straightening his back.

You were answered by the Bokoblins' screeches, and them charging toward you.

Link swiftly killed all of them, running over to the cage to help Colin out.

"Thank you so much!" he said, looking up at Link with a huge smile.

"No problem," Link said, ruffling Colin's hair.

An evil snicker made you spin around on your heels.

It was the man who trapped you before.

"You're very persistent, and it's getting on my nerves," he said, leaping down from the tree limb he was sitting on.

"Who even are you?!" You shouted, taking a step toward him.

He chuckled and tore off the cloak he was wearing.

A gasp from Link made you back up a bit.

"...Dark Link!" He growled angrily, stepping in front of you.

Dark Link?

"Uh... Who is this? I know he trapped us, but who is he?" you asked.

"(Y/n), stay back!" Link said, pushing you back with his arm.

"I'm suprised you don't remember me, (Y/n)."

I didn't know your name until ten seconds ago!

He smirked, and leaped down from the ledge he had been sitting on. The eerie aura he gave off was letting you know that he was bad news.

Link had also seemed to notice this, once again jumping in front of you as Dark Link padded closer.

"I see you're ready to battle. I won't go easy on you like last time."

"Are you serious? You're just bluffing! Link could've chopped you up within seconds if you hadn't weakened him! You're nothing but a coward! You only fight if you're sure that your enemy is at a great disadvantage or substantially weaker! That doesn't make you strong! I've seen right through your devious little plans, and they are going to end right here and now!"

Dark Link stared at you in shock, contemplating the words that had just cane out of your mouth. You had stepped in front of Link, who was also staring at you. Your eyes, blazed with anger and adreneline, were still locked onto Dark Link's.

"I see."

He sheathed his sword.

"I'll be back. Don't you let your guard down just yet."

With a snap of his fingers he was gone.

You were still angrily glaring at the place where he had been standing, as if you could still see him.

Link placed his hand on your shoulder, causing you to relax and turn your head.

"We should get going."

You nodded, following him and Collin to Epona.

The ride back was tense. You jumped when Collin spoke up suddenly.

"Are you guys dating?"

(A/N: Cliffhanger >:3 I'm starting on chapter 12 immediately! I want to get as much of this out during the weekend as I can!)

Link x Reader-A Fortunate RescueWhere stories live. Discover now