Link x Reader-Part 8

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(A/N: Sorry for the inactivity, I wanted this chapter to be good. It's kinda short, but hopefully the next one'll be longer ^-^)

Link's POV
"What are you doing? What is your objective? What are you trying to gain from this?" I snapped angrily, ignoring the searing pain of the chains digging into my wrists.

"You're almost as bad as the girl. But her voice is much more high pitched and shrill than yours... It really got on my nerves rather quickly. But you'll be good, won't you?"
He smirked, ordering the creatures in my cell to whip me again.

The constant whipping was ruining my clothes. It would be great to have the chainmail in a time like this, but it was falling apart.
I cringed as the whip made contact with my skin yet again.
I could only think about (y/n).
This was all my fault
"If only I was paying attention, dammit!" I whispered to myself, a tear falling from my eye.
I barely noticed the whip that time, the heartache I was feeling right then was more painful than any of the whips had been.

"Weakling. I didn't know the Hero of Time could cry," he scoffed.

"Is it better that you don't know I'm crying from heartache? (Y/n) could be dead, and it's all my fault. That's worse than any physical pain I've ever expirienced," I yelled, wanting to rip the chains and lunge at him.

He just smirked and ordered the... things, to whip me again. I didn't protest.
I just stood there.
Wishing they would just kill me.
I didn't deserve to be called a hero.
"...Why haven't you killed me?" I asked weakly.

"It's much more fun to torture you first. Both physically and mentally. I can kill you right now, if you want," he growled.

"Fine then. Just k-"
I can't lose that easily.
"Torture me all you want. But I refuse to die," I snarled, standing up straighter.

"Aww, what happened? I was really enjoying how pathetic you were before. It really made the torture a lot more fun," he snickered.

"What are you doing to (y/n)?!"

"Oh, not much... But she does think that you're dead," he chuckled, pointing to some crystal ball.

It was (y/n).

She was on her knees, crying.

And in front of her was...

My hat.

"You... You monster!" I yelled, ignoring the spikes on the chains digging into my wrists. "You're a coward! Why can't you just fight me? You're obviously too scared, so you did this instead!"
I raged for about an hour.

"Just let me out and fight me like a man, dammit!" I cursed.

He thought for a moment.

"Alright. But if you try to escape, then you really are dead," he snickered, ordering his servant-creatures to unlock the chains.

Link x Reader-A Fortunate RescueWhere stories live. Discover now