Link x Reader-Part 3

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(A/N: sorry for not updating >.< i got caught up with things yesterday, but im posting chapter 4 in a bit, and im working on chapter 5~!)
Chapter 3
"Hello? Are you okay?" You hear a distant voice, quite similar to Ben's, but it doesn't have the same tone. Your eyes slowly blink open, and you see someone crouched next to you, trying to wake you up. You push yourself up with your arms, but you fall back down, due to the one that was crushed by the club.
"What happened?" He asked, concern in his voice. You try to speak, but your voice just turns into raspy whispers from your lack of water, and you start coughing. He helps you sit up, and runs over to a horse, the same one you saw yesterday. He brings back a bottle of water, handing it to you.
"Here, drink this. It should help." You weakly take the cork out of the top and force the water down. He was right--it did help. You felt refreshed instantly, and could talk.
"Well, there was this... this c-creature," you started to explain, weakly. "It h-had this club. And it just r-randomly at-t-ttacked me! I don't even know why, I didn't do anyth-thing! Also, the club it had is right h-here," you say, trying to pick up the club lying beside you.
"Oh, those? It's only their instinct to attack anything they see. Did you not have anything to defend yourself?" he asked, looking around you.
"No, I didn't. But I managed to t-take the club from it after it leaped on me. I dropped it on my foot probably a h-hundred times, though."
"Can you stand?" he asks, offering his hand. You take it and try to stand, but end up just falling down. Dropping the club on your feet probably broke them, or at least one.
"Nope, can't s-stand. Apparently dropping a 30 pound club on your foot can break it."
You took off your shoe to reveal your foot, bloody and broken.
"Yeah, it's broken..." you say, putting your shoe back on carefully.
He picks you up and carefully sits you on the back of the horse, your arm propped up on a piece of wadded up cloth. He leads the horse by the reigns through the field, avoiding obstacles such as pits or bumpy roads.
You shriek as the horse stands up on its back legs, causing you to fall off, and land on your arm. Another creature, similar to the last one, runs out from behind a nearby bush, charging toward whoever this is that saved you.
He pulls a sword from the sheathe swung around his back, facing the creature. He skillfully takes down the creature in 2 hits, grabbing the small gem from the dust. Seeing you on the ground, huddled over your arm, he runs over, calms the horse, and puts you back up.
"Sorry about that, she gets nervous around monsters like that. Hold on to the saddle with your good arm, and it'll be harder for her to knock you off," he explains, petting the horse's mane.
"I-it's fine," you insist, readjusting your arm in a more comfortable position.
"That gate right around the corner is where we're headed, if there's no more monsters we should be fine."
He unlocks the gate and leads the horse in, stopping near a stone building.
"Link, you're back!" a happy voice says, followed by three kids running out.
"Who's that?" the littlest one asks, pointing to you.
"Is she your girlfriend?" the other teases.
You look at them confusedly, wondering why they thought that.
"No, uh, she's... I never caught your name, did I?" he questions, looking toward you.
"Oh, uh, I'm (y/n)," you say, waving with your good arm.
"Link, she's pretty! You should ask her out," the oldest one says.
"You two are so ignorant! Can't you see she's injured?" the third one, a girl, points out. "Link, I'll take care of her, you can just do whatever it is you do when you're bored," she said, helping you down from the horse.
"So his name is Link?" You ask as you limp beside her.
"Yeah, he keeps going on about how he's saved all of Hyrule," she scoffed.
"Yes, y'know, where we are right now?"
"No, I just kind of woke up in the middle of a field, yesterday I think...I didn't know where I was at all," You explain.
"Really? So how did you get hurt so badly?" she asked.
"Well I stood up, and then almost immediately this creature just leaped on me. Don't know what I did to annoy it or make it mad, but I'm alive," You tell her.
She leads you into a building, there's a small fire in the middle of the room, and hay bales with cloths spread on top all around.
"You can just sit down here, wait a bit and I'll be back."
She leaves the room and you start thinking about everything that had happened.
What luck that someone would just happen to find you like that...

Link x Reader-A Fortunate RescueWhere stories live. Discover now