Link x Reader-Part 12

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(A/N: Huge thanks to @Half_N_Half for the plot idea! :3)
Your POV
"D-dating? No, I-I don't think it's like that," you said, stuttering.
"Is it?" you asked Link quietly.
"I don't know."
You both exchanged questioning glances as Colin looked at you intently.


After a long and awkward ride home, you immediately jumped off Epona, running around to stretch your legs.
"I'll take Colin into Ordon and let everyone know he's okay," Link said with a smile.
You nodded, walking over to Epona and petting her mane. A rustle in the trees made you whip around.
"Hello, (Y/n)," a low voice greeted.
Narrowing your eyes, you peered into the trees.
A hand on your shoulder caused you to jump.
"You didn't expect I'd be back so soon, hm?"
Dark Link.
"Look, I have no reason to fight with you. Why don't you just back off and leave us to live our lives?"
"Because that's no fun, now is it?"
You glared at him, ready to strangle him at any moment.
He walked over to you, putting his arm around your shoulders.
"(Y/n), you c-"
"Don't touch me," you yelled, slapping his arm away.
"Now now, don't be so fussy."
"Don't tell me what to do!"
He was just being plain annoying at this point.
"If you're going to be like that..."
You yelped as he pinned your arms behind your back, tying them together.
There was a flash of blinding light, and suddenly you were in a dungeon.
The same one as before.
"Sleep well, love.~"
Dark Link smirked at you before knocking you out.


When you woke up, you were in a completely different room.
...And your clothes were different.
"Oh, good, you're awake," you heard Dark Link say as he walked in front of you.
"Why are my clothes different..?"
"I changed them," He said with a smirk.
"Pervert! Ugh, if you're going to hold me captive, just at least don't be a pervert!" you yelled at him.
"Where's the fun in that?"
You rolled your eyes, trying to move away from him. He grabbed your hands, pinning them above your head.
"Let's be obedient, shall we?~"
"Let's not," you said, kneeing him in the... Well, you know.
You ran to the other side of the room, away from Dark Link.
"You deserved that anyway," you said with a smile before kicking down the door.
You were stopped in your tracks as Dark Link tackled you.
"Not so fast..."

Link x Reader-A Fortunate RescueWhere stories live. Discover now