Link x Reader-Part 5

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(A/N: SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING!!!! First I was super busy, then I had extreme writer's block D: BUT HERE'S CHAPTER 5 YEEEE! ALSO, thanks for over 100 views :0000 means a lot, thanks ^-^)

Link's POV

I slowly blinked my eyes open, squinting at the light filtering through the window. I moved my hand a bit, feeling something warm under it. Looking down, I saw that it was (y/n)'s hand.
Not wanting to move and wake her up, I stared at the ceiling and though about what we would need to do that day.

Ok, we need to get (y/n) a weapon, probably a shield...

I stopped as she moved, waking up.
Quickly moving her hand to push herself up, she was instantly wide awake.
"Link, I had the weirdest dream! Everything turned dark! And there were these weird creatures that fell from the sky! And we could turn into wolves!"
She turned to me, her eyes shining with excitement.
"Isn't that crazy?"
"Yeah, it would be cool to turn into a wolf though..."
I chuckled, trying not to hint the fact that I actually could turn into a wolf, and her dream was all too real.
"You need some weapons, (y/n). You can't defend yourself at all without weapons around here. I have an iron sword you can borrow, it's better than the old wooden one I have," I told her, pointing to the sword in the corner.
She yawned, falling back onto the pillow.
"I'm tired," she said, laughing a bit.

"Link!" We both jumped at the loud voice shouting from outside. Quickly scrambling to get up, I jumped off the loft and ran to the door, opening it.

"Hello," I said groggily.
"It's like noon! I swear, you're the laziest person in Hyrule!"
Remembering (y/n) couldn't get down on her own, I ran back in, setting the ladder up.
"I can understand (y/n) sleeping in, but not you, Link! How can you-"
"Ilia, calm down. What's wrong with getting a little extra sleep?"

She rolled her eyes and walked back down the path to Ordon Village.
"Hm?" I heard (y/n) mumble as her feet hit the ground at the bottom of the ladder.
"Ah, nothing. Just Ilia being Ilia."
She looked up suddenly, looking concerned.
"What was that?"
"I didn't hear anyth-" I was cut off by a shriek, coming from the bridge.
"That was Colin, we have to go, now!" I said, grabbing my sword and shield, and tossing the old iron one to (y/n).
"You'll need this, (y/n)! Now c'mon!" I grabbed her arm, pulling her outside.

Link x Reader-A Fortunate RescueWhere stories live. Discover now