Link x Reader-Part 9

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(A/N: Oh god i cried so much when writing this ;A; sorry for inactivity ;0; writer's block. again oops but we're almost at 300 reads! i think that's awesome, thanks sooo much :3)

Your POV

You lifted your head slightly as you heard footsteps clicking down the hall.
You learned that the man holding you captive was a follower of Ganondorf.
Expecting him to torture you again, you were suprised when he completely ignored you.
You gasped as Link followed up behind him.
You wanted to scream, to cry just because you knew he was fine and alive.
He must've heard your gasp because he turned around and smiled weakly at you.
Ganondorf's follower opened a large door, pushing Link through and ordering him to stay.
He came into your cell, letting you free from the wall but retying your hands behind your back.
Basically throwing you through the door, he slammed it loudly, glaring at you and Link.
"(Y/n), do you know why you're here?"

"No, I don't" you replied weakly, situating yourself.

"He has challenged me. And I thought, if I'm going to kill him anyway, why not have you here so you can expirience it, and want to kill yourself from the pain?" he snickered evilly.
You sat up, getting ready to yell at him, but Link subtly gestured for you to stay quiet.
He's gotta win, he has to!
"You ready, fool?" Ganon's follower mocked, an evil grin on his face.
Link readied himself, first lifting his shield to protect himself from the almost immediate attack.
They turned toward you with confused expressions on their faces.
Ganon's follower sighed, walking toward you to gag you and chain you to the wall.
Link, please be careful...
A tear rolled down your cheek as you saw them continue the battle.
You cringed every time Link got the slightest scratch.
He was focused, and he seemed to have a strategy.

Not even the gag could muffle your scream of agony as Link got hit down violently by Ganon's follower.

He had lost. You had to be left here. He was- ...getting up?

"AUGH! WHY WON'T YOU STAY DOWN?" Ganon's follower roared angrily.

"B-because," Link said weakly,
"I can still hold my sword and shield."

More tears found their way down your face rapidly as he stumbled to his feet, that glint of determination still in his eye.

Link rolled to the side and around to Ganon's follower's unprotected backside, hitting him square in the back of the head.

Ganon's follower fell down, choking and gasping for breath.
"Damn you... Don't t-think... you'll get away... n-next time...!"

Link ran over to you, ignoring his own almost fatal injuries.
"You're okay, right?" he asked, concerned.
You tried to speak, forgetting about the gag.
He untied it quickly, wincing from the battle.
"Link, you need to take care of yourself first! You're in much worse shape than me!"
"No, my first priority is making sure you're okay," he said, freeing you from the chains on the walls.
Your wrists were raw, red, and bloody from all the chains and ropes.
Your clothes as well as Link's were tattered and torn from the constant whipping.

As soon as your arms were free, you hugged him. He seemed startled at first by the suddenness, but hugged back.
"I missed you..." he whispered, starting to fall from blood loss.
You both fell to your knees on the ground, still hugging.
All you could do was cry into his shoulder.
You were tortured.
You had to watch Link almost die.
You were convinced he was dead.
But all of it was worth it in the end.
You got to see him again.
You started to feel drowsy, pulling the hug against the wall.
The last thing you heard before you fell asleep was Link's weak whisper.
"I love you, (y/n)..."

Link x Reader-A Fortunate RescueWhere stories live. Discover now