Chapter 9

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"Have we missed something?" Zayn asked casually as he walked in to the kitchen but Louis was standing in the door way glaring daggers at Niall. I understand why, he thought all the drama was over but even though I had told Niall that I wanted to be with Harry he was still trying.

"No you've missed nothing." I say and walk out of the kitchen and back upstairs to see Eleanor as I had no clean clothes to wear. I slip in and out quickly and head back to Harry's room wondering if I should tell him what Niall said and how Louis reacted.

I thought we were over this. The last few days had been really good and I thought Niall was getting over it. "You feeling ok babe?" I must have looked worried or something because while I was walking in to the bedroom Harry looked at me like I was sick.

"Yeah I'm fine." I say quickly and pull off Harry's shirt and put on a white long sleeved tank top that moulds to my belly. "Where are we going to search for houses?" I ask him pulling on a pair of green skinny jeans.

"I thought that it might be nice to be close to the city, I mean the drive to mum and dads isn't long for either of us and I don't want to be far from Boo Bear or the lads." He says with a small smile, it's then I realise how much Harry loves them and I know it's unfair to ask him to move away from them. Not that I want to of course I just thought he might like to live near his mum.

"That sounds nice, can we have breakfast out? Niall made things awkward." I tell Harry vaguely as I slip on my shoes and position myself in front of the mirror to do my hair.

"What did he do?" He asks.

"He told me in front of Zayn and Lou that he could make me happy." I say with a frown. I'm sure Niall could make me happy but I'm with Harry and we're having a baby together. He has to respect that, whether he likes it or not.

"Oh." Instead of getting angry like I think he will he just frowns. "You don't believe that do you?" I study his expression closely, he looks like a insecure little boy. He's worried that I might leave him for Niall.

"Harry all I need to make me happy is you and this baby." I walk over to him after fixing my hair in to a pony tail and snake my arms around his neck and stand on my toes to kiss him softly. His eyes flutter shut and he kisses me back. The kiss is tender and sweet and incredibly loving. "I love you Harold you're all I need." I tell him softly when we part.

He seems reassured as a big grin on his face appears as he takes my hand and pulls me out of the bedroom. "You have no idea how much I love you Jess." A bright smile appears on my face as we leave the house. I can hear Louis and Niall talking as we leave but I have no idea what they are saying.


When we arrive at the real estate place there is a young man with a folder to meet us outside the office. "Mr Styles, nice to meet you again." He says politely extending his hand to shake Harry's. "Hello, my names Ben." He says turning to me and taking my hand lightly.

"Nice to meet you." I say.

So Harry and Ben talk for a while, it turns out Harry had popped in yesterday to organise a meeting for this morning. Ben showed us to his car which was a sleek black range rover. I sat in the back and Harry sat in the front. "So the houses that we're looking at today are about half an hour away, here take a look at the brochures." Ben says and hands me his black folder. I take it and flick through the houses that we'll be seeing today. There are six all together and they're all lovely and probably a bit too extravagant. We're having a child not a dinner party.

The first house we arrive at is closed off to strangers and well everyone with big black iron gates. The fence is high and is made out of old red bricks. I'm stunned by what I'm seeing as we drive through the big iron gates there is a gravel drive in the shape of a u and in the middle is a large patch of healthy green grass. On the other side of the drive way is a lovely garden filled with colourful flowers and large trees against the fence so people can't see over.

The house is at the end of drive way and its big and made of of the same red bricks as the fence. There's a small entrance way and then a door that leads in to the house. The house from the outside is amazing and much better than what was in the brochure that Ben had given me. "Harry this place is too big." I whisper in awe as we get out of the car and walk towards the entrance.

"We'll I don't know about you but I want to have lots of babies with you." He flashes me a cheeky grin and snakes his arm around my waist.

I let out a loud gasp as we walk in to the house the bottom level is completely open planned around the staircase that leads upstairs. The walls are a lovely creamy beige and the wooden floor boards are shiny and brown. To the left is the kitchen. Complete with new appliances, the microwave is built in to the wall and the bench is huge! I'm already in love with this house and the only thing I've seen is the drive way and the kitchen. "How many bedrooms does this one have?" I ask as I walk through the kitchen detaching myself from Harry and walking ahead. Next to the kitchen is a dining area where the people who are selling the house have a huge dining table set under a lovely chandelier.

Behind the table is a sliding door that leads to a back yard that I would have loved as a kid. "There are six bedrooms all together." Ben answers as I walk around the house and further up there is a living room with a plush leather couch set in front of a huge TV which is connected to the wall with a bracket.

On that same side there is a small room which turns out to be the laundry with a small toilet connected and further across is another living room which looks like a mans area because in the corner there is a bar. In the right hand corner of the house is a small table and there is a computer set on top of it and and book cases and antique cabinets filled with crystal vases and expensive looking items.

"I'm in love with this place and I haven't even seen the upstairs yet!" I sigh happily as I walk around the area once more looking at everything carefully. The only thing that bothers me is the stairs, we're having a baby that will eventually start walking and stairs are just an accident waiting to happen.

We eventually venture upstairs and I'm happy to see that it's spaced out quite well and there is a gate that I can close so the baby won't fall down the stairs. There is a huge space in the middle which has been designed in to a kids play room there are toys organised in to boxes, a small TV and lots of books and a small sofa.

The bedrooms are all quite big, when you walk up the stairs the room is one big rectangle, on either side of the staircase is two bedrooms. On the wall to the left there is one bedroom, which is the master room and on the wall opposite the staircase is another bedroom and a bathroom as well. The rooms a fairly simple but have everything one would need. Windows for light, closets for clothes and space for furniture. The master bedroom is huge and there is a lovely bathroom with a hot tub and a shower with two shower heads.

"I want this one." I tell Harry as I look around the top floor. How can one house be so amazing? Wow!

"You don't want to look at the other ones?" He comes up behind me and hugs me burying his face in to the crook if my neck. I close my eyes imagining life with Harry and our little baby.

"This one is perfect." I tell him.

"And this one we shall have. We'll take this one Ben." He says proudly. "Hope you know we came here first because I knew you'd love it." He chuckles. "Louis and I came out yesterday, your brother certainly knows what you like." He smiled in to my neck.

"It's perfect." I grin turning around to kiss Harry quickly wrote we head down stairs.


Thanks for reading! If you liked it let me know in the comments below, let me know what you think is going to happen!

Is That My Baby, Baby? Harry Styles/Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now