Chapter 16

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“Jess we need to talk,” Harry was sitting in the living room of our new house. I was in the kitchen putting away our new pots and pans and the wine glasses we had bought. I look at Harry curiously wondering what the problem is. He doesn’t say anything else but he looks nervous, he’s biting his lip which is incredibly sexy and he’s running his finger through his messy curls.

I put a large saucepan down and walk over to the plush leather couch that came with the house and sit beside my worried boyfriend. His eyes flick from my face to my belly and he briefly closes his eyes and then opens them again. “What’s the matter Harry?” I ask him softly putting my hand on top of his.

He sighs and takes my hand, “I did something,” He starts. His voice is shaky and his complexion is noticeably paler than he was five seconds ago.

“What do you mean?” I ask slowly, I’m nervous now.

“Jess I want to spend the rest of my life with you, but …” He stops and pulls a tiny box out of his pocket. What does he mean but? “I did something,” He says again and now I’m confused and slightly excited because I’m pretty sure I know what is in that tiny box.

“Harry it’s ok, you can tell me.” I tell him slowly looking back up at his face. He smiles at me and reaches across to caress my cheek gently.

“You’re going to hate me when I tell you what I did,” He almost sniffs.

“Well tell me, I’m sure we can work through it,”

“That’s what you said last time.” He says quietly. The last time I said that was when he cheated on me with Caroline Flack. “Jess I went to see Caroline when after I stormed out of the restaurant.” Those words broke my heart.

“No,” I shook my head my eyes brimming with tears, he wouldn’t do that again!

“Jess I’m so sorry and I … Christ I’m so sorry I don’t know what I was thinking.” He mumbles. I look up and I can see that he’s hurting, he feels horrible. “Jess I didn’t mean to do that to you again I’m so sorry baby.” Tears flood from his eyes and I just sit there staring at the tears rolling down his cheeks.

Minutes pass and we just sit there silently staring at each other, I’m not sure what to say. He didn’t exactly say that he slept with her, only that he went to see her. “Did you sleep with her?” I ask with a croak. Tears have now spilled over my eyes and are rolling down my cheeks.

“Yes,” He mutters.

An unrecognizable sound comes from my mouth as he admits to cheating on me again. I’m not really clear as to if we were technically together as he stormed out and refused to talk to me. “Was she at the cabin when you called me?”

“No she didn’t come to the cabin,” He choked. I don’t know what hurt more, the fact that he didn’t tell me straight away or the possibility he was trying to distract me from the fact that he cheated with a marriage proposal. “I was going to give you this ring that night at the restaurant, Jess I am so sorry.”

Is That My Baby, Baby? Harry Styles/Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now