Chapter 15

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“You look terrible,” Harry comments as I snuggle against him on the sofa in front of the fire that he’s made to keep us warm. We had a big red blanket covering our bodies and since he sat down he hasn’t taken his arms or his eyes away from me.

“Thanks,” I mutter.

He chuckles, “I will always think you’re beautiful but you don’t look well. Have you been looking after yourself?” He asks rubbing my arm with his hand. I look down at his hand on my arm and frown, I knew I should have been looking after myself better but life without Harry wasn’t worth anything to me. “Jessi you’re pregnant you have to look after yourself, even if I’m acting like a knob.” He frowns at me and he tightens his grip pulling me closer to him.

“I will, I promise,” I tell him and bury my head in to his neck smiling at his familiar smell, his pillow was starting to smell like me because I’d been sleeping with it, hugging it actually. I suppose I did look pretty horrible. I wasn’t sleeping properly, I wasn’t eating properly and I hadn’t been looking after myself very well. I had missed a check-up at the doctors and I wasn’t taking my vitamins.

“Are you hungry?” He asks.

“No I’m fine, Louis went through a drive through on the way up.” I tell him and smile up at him and lean up to kiss his cheek. “I missed you so much Harry.” I sigh.

“I know baby, I missed you too. Did you go to the house?” He asks curiously.

“No,” I say shaking my head. “It didn’t feel right without you. We were meant to go today.” I murmur in to his chest relishing the alone time we were having. I would happily stay here until the baby was born so we could work things out and never ever think about Niall again.  

“I’m sorry I left, you know that right? He told me before they started speeches that you guys had a surprise for me and when he said that I freaked out and … I’m sorry. I feel like I betrayed you by taking his word over yours. I didn’t even let you explain or anything.” He sighs sadly.

“Harry please, this isn’t your fault.” I say softly shifting in his hold so I can sit up and face him. He rearranges himself so I’m sitting cross legged on the couch facing him and he’s facing me crossing his legs. He leans forward and leans his forehead against mine and places his hands on my belly. “I will love you no matter what happens.” I tell him.

“I don’t know what I did to deserve such a special girl like you, please don’t ever leave me.”

“I won’t leave you if you don’t leave me.”


The few days we spent alone together in the cabin were nice but we had to get back to London and sort things out. Louis had called me every day to make sure that I was looking after myself and that everything with Harry and I was ok, and it was. We were stronger now. He trusted me completely and I trusted him. “Do you think we should go and see Niall?” Harry asked as he stuffed the last bag in to the back of the car and closed the trunk.

I looked at Harry curiously. “If you want to, I haven’t spoken to him since it happened.” I told him slowly, I wondered briefly if maybe Harry wanted to see Niall, they were good friends, best friends in fact. They had been friends since the x-factor. I can’t imagine them not being friends. Honestly I can’t imagine my life without Niall in it so I sort of want to see him. But if we do he has to know that he can’t do that anymore. It’s not healthy to be so stressed when you’re pregnant and I’ve been so stressed that when we get back to town Harry is making me go to the doctor to make sure that I am healthy and doing alright. This pregnancy has been a little bumpy.

Is That My Baby, Baby? Harry Styles/Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now