Chapter 20

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How do you react when Caroline Flack tells you that she’s going to get YOUR fiancé back? Well there are a few choices. One, attack the bitch with the knife that’s on the chopping board, that’s a bit drastic. Two, ignore her comment and go on like she’s not even there, not going to happen, ever. Three, start yelling at her, I don’t want to cause a scene. Four, quietly insult the fuck out of her and hope to god that she doesn’t want to stay any longer, nope. Five, say nothing and walk upstairs, yep that’s the one.

She didn’t stick around long after she told me so I just snuck upstairs and locked myself in my room and looked out the window sneakily watching Caroline like a hawk. She was sitting next to Olly and she was holding his hand. Olly looked so happy, it was a not so quiet secret that he and Caroline had a thing but it hadn’t been made official. I sighed loudly and made my way over to the bed when my back started to get sore.

“Baby?” Harry crept in to the room after a few minutes and crawled on to the bed with me. “Why are you up here?” He frowns as he snuggles up to me and buries his head in to the side of my neck.

“Caroline,” I mutter.

“I can ask her to leave if you like,” He murmurs in to my neck.

“She told me she was going to get you back,” I tell him. I had originally decided not to tell Harry what Caroline had said but he needed to know. We were going to get married one day and I’d like to think that he’ll tell me everything so I feel like I should tell him everything. And I know he’ll get rid of her.

“She said what?” He repeats lifting his head up to look at me.

“She told me that she was going to get you back,” I say again with a sigh, I hate saying it because deep down I’m scared that she will get him back and I’ll be on my own with the baby. Harry’s face goes from shocked to angry incredibly quick and he pulls himself off the bed.

“Come down stairs with me,” He says and waits for me to get up. He’s flexing his fists and gritting his teeth. He takes my hand and my touch seems to calm him down a little. We walk downstairs slowly with Harry muttering things under his breath, we walk out in the backyard and on to the deck where our glass tables and chairs are, which everyone is sitting at. He sits down and I sit beside and then he looks up to Caroline and drops my hand before he squeezes the life out of it. “Caroline get the fuck out of my house,” He hisses with a vicious tone. I’ve never actually seen him so angry, not even at Niall when he was trying to screw things up. He’s furious.

“Harry what’s the matter?” Olly seems confused.

“I want her to get out of my fucking house,” He roars.

Harry and Olly are great friends and I’m a little worried that this going to ruin things for their friendship. “What did she do?” Olly stands looks at Caroline.

“She told my fiancé that she was going to get me back. Let me make this clear Caroline, I don’t like you, I never liked you and I never will like you so you need to back the fuck off. Stop with the messages and phone calls and don’t you dare EVER tell my fiancé bullshit like that again! Do I make myself clear? Now get the fuck out of my house!” He’s red in the face and his eyes are wide and glazed over, I’ve never seen him so angry.

Is That My Baby, Baby? Harry Styles/Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now