Chapter 38

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Harry didn’t come home, he stormed out at about two o’clock in the afternoon and he hasn’t returned, he’s been gone for nearly twenty four hours and now he’s turned off his phone. I’m so scared that he’s just decided to leave. Niall stayed the night with me after he called Noelle to tell her that I was in no state to be myself. He got up to tend to the baby when he was crying and he sat up all night with me on the sofa waiting for Harry to come home, but he never did.

“Everything will be alright,” Niall murmured in to my hair. I was curled up in a ball beside Niall and I was clinging on to him for dear life. Everyone had been trying to contact him, we had a nice night and my mind had been taken off the problem for a few hours but now that everyone had gone home the problem was the only thing I could think of and all I wanted was for him to come home.

I fed William when he woke up and put him in the play pen and went to make some breakfast for myself and Niall. I cooked eggs, bacon and some pancakes and when we sat down at the table I just sat there and pushed my food around the plate.

In the afternoon when Harry had officially been gone for twenty four hours he finally walked through the door in the clothes that he was wearing yesterday. He looked at Niall who was sitting at the table with me, we were looking at pictures of William that had just been printed out and William was asleep in the bedroom. Harry then looked at me and then did something I was not expecting, he walked down the hall without saying anything and slammed the bedroom.

Not only did he upset me, he woke up William and he started screaming. I thought he would do something about it and pick him up but he kept screaming so I walked down the hallway and in to the bedroom. Harry was in the bathroom. I picked up William and sat on the side of the bed, “I know baby it’s alright, he’s just mad at me.” I whisper as I cradle him close to my chest. “Let’s move you in to the bedroom.” I murmur and stand up and take him in to his bedroom as Harry comes out of the bathroom.

I’m upset that he doesn’t say anything to me and that he thinks it’s ok to disturb our sleeping baby. After I settle William in his crib I walk back up to the dining room where Niall is waiting for me. “Do you want me to stay?” He asks as I sit back down next to him and look at the first family photo of me and Harry with little William.

“You can go, thank you for staying with me.” I say quietly.

“Of course, I know you would do the same for me. If you need anything you can call me ok?” He seems a little concerned because Harry hasn’t said anything and he’s going around slamming doors and waking babies.

“Thank you,” I lean over my chair and kiss his cheek.

“I’ll see you later,” He says and kisses my cheek and gets up from the table. “Take care Jessi,”

I don’t know what to do with myself and all I want to do is go down to the end of the house and hug Harry, despite Harry being an arse I’m glad that he’s home and decide that the best thing to do would be to ignore his bad mood and go on with whatever it is that I would normally do. So I go in to the laundry and put on a load of washing. I fold the washing that was in the dryer and when I’m done I start to clean the already clean kitchen again. I sweep and mop the floor and when I’m done I go in to the living room and straighten the cushions on the sofa and stack the wedding magazines. After vacuuming I become upset because Harry had been home for two hours and he hasn’t said a word to me. I get so upset that I pick up the wedding magazines and walk in to the kitchen. “What are you doing?” Harry seems alarmed as he watches me from the hallway. I’m standing over the trash can I’m about to throw the magazines out.

Is That My Baby, Baby? Harry Styles/Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now