Chapter 33

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When we get to the hospital Louis is inside the room with Eleanor, he comes out briefly to give us an update but apparently she’s not completely ready yet. Eleanor’s parents are in the waiting room along with my mum and dad and we’re all just wait silently. I keep everyone distracted with William until Louis asks me to come in to the room with him.

“What’s up?” I ask a little nervously. Why does he want me in here? We walk in to the room and he engulfs me in a hug and literally can’t keep the grin off his face. I look over to Eleanor who is still pushing, I don’t understand.

“I’m nervous,” He admits.

I’m confused if I were him I would have hugged mum! “She’s doing fine!” I encourage and let go of my brother and take his hand and we walk over to Eleanor who is looking incredibly drugged up. Her hair and her face were covered in sweat and when she spotted me she smiled. Louis takes Eleanor’s other hand and she proceeds to squeeze the life out of it.

It’s clear that Louis’ in pain but he really has no idea how excruciating child birth is. We stand there encouraging Eleanor when the doctor says, “One more big push Eleanor, you’re nearly there.” The excited look on Louis’ face is indescribable, he just looks happy.

Eleanor does one last big push and the ear piercing squeal of a little baby enters the room. So now Louis is squeezing the life out of my hand but I just don’t care. The baby has little tufts of light brown hair like Louis and a high pitched scream like Eleanor, I laugh to myself as we watch the doctors pull her out all the way and lay her on top of Eleanor. “Congratulations Louis, you’re a daddy.” I whisper.


Molly Jane Tomlinson was born at 1:56 pm on the 28th of November 2014. She weighed 6lbs 3oz and was very healthy, I’d classify her as a screamer. She’s absolutely gorgeous, it’s hard to tell who she looks like but boy is Louis proud. Eleanor drifted off to sleep after holding her little girl and feeding her. The nurse took her away for a moment to clean her up and brought her back in a blanket for Louis to hold her.

“I’ve honestly never been so happy,” He breathes.

“She’s perfect Lou, I’ll go get mum and dad.” I say quietly as I look at Louis and gazing down lovingly at his little daughter. I sneak out of the room quickly and mum is standing by the door with Eleanor’s mum Deborah. “She’s here,” I say quietly. I go over to where Harry is rocking Will’s pram and sit next to him. “He’s so happy,” I tell Harry with a big grin.

“She’s healthy?” He asks.

“Oh yeah she’s healthy, she’s a bit of a screamer.” I giggle.

“And El?”

“She’s asleep,” I say softly.

“I’ll go see her for a bit and we’ll go home,” He says quickly and gets up to go in to the hospital room. Everyone comes out later as now the baby is sleeping and Eleanor needs her rest. Louis stays with her of course so I go back in quickly to give him a hug.

Is That My Baby, Baby? Harry Styles/Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now