Chapter 30

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It’s a damn good thing I had a good grip on the baby because I was so shocked that I nearly dropped him! What the fuck is Caroline Flack doing at my front door with a baby bump? “Harry!” I call loudly. I don’t even want to greet this woman, the last time I saw her she told me that she was going to get Harry back. Was this how?

“Yeah babe, is Niall here?” He walks out to the living room and stops in his tracks when he sees Caroline and her bump. “Caroline what are you doing here?” He asks just as shocked as me. He’s staring at her medium sized bump.

“I need your help,” She says quietly.

That’s not like her. I’ve only met her one time but she comes across incredibly outgoing and confident so why is she acting like this now? She seems scared or worried. I glance at Harry and he’s still staring at Caroline's bump with the same thought at me. Is that baby his? “Harry for fucks sake are you going to let me in? It’s not yours!” She hisses impatiently at him.

“Thank god,” He breathed and I stepped out of the way so that she could walk in. Why would she be here if that baby isn’t Harry’s? What could he possibly help her with? “Come to the living room,” He says slowly still a little cautious.

She walks through the hall and to the living room after glancing down with a small smile to William. I followed after closing the front door and sat next to Harry on the sofa and pulled William to my chest as he let out a small cry. I rubbed his back gently and glanced from Harry to Caroline curiously. There were no secret eye conversations going on or anything suspicious and I know that if Caroline’s baby was Harry’s she would have said so, I knew that she was determined to break us up.

“So what exactly do you need help with?” I asked because Harry just sat there staring at her bump like an idiot.

“I uh … well I guess it’s a bit obvious that I’m pregnant.” She says. I resist the urge to roll my eyes; she’s come here for help, not for me to be rude to her. I’d be as rude as I like if she had said that the baby was Harry’s. “I uh I’m having trouble contacting the dad.” She says nervously and her eyes flicker from Harry to me and she bites her lip.

“And who is the father?” Harry asks.

“Well this is where it gets awkward,” She pauses and looks at me and for a moment I actually think she’s talking about Louis! “It’s Zayn,” My jaw drops and I let out a surprised squeak. Zayn? Zayn Malik is the father of Caroline Flack’s baby? Holy shit!

“Are you sure?”

“Yes Harry, I’m nearly five months along. That was before we met up, before Olly and Niall.” My jaw drops again! Olly and Niall?! Oh god Zayn, Liam and Niall are on the way over.

“Niall is coming over in about an hour with Zayn and Liam.” I say in shock. Caroline Flack has slept with 3/5 of One Direction! “I uh, I’m gonna go feed the baby.” I say awkwardly. I don’t want to laugh in her face she looks like she’s actually upset and I have this sort of satisfied feeling about all of this. She was such a slut that she got herself pregnant. I knew in the back of my head that when she came to the door she was too far along for the baby to be Harry’s but the initial shock and knowing they had been together was a little worrying.

Is That My Baby, Baby? Harry Styles/Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now