Chapter 35

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Noelle’s point of view

When Niall got home he’d been gone for nearly six hours. I was worried that he was never going to come back. I made him dinner and it was sitting in the microwave waiting for him to return. Zayn had been staying at Caroline’s house for weeks now and Liam and Danielle had got their own place so the house was completely empty and too big for the two of us.

I considered calling up Zayn and Caroline and asking them if they wanted to come over. I don’t understand why he got so angry at me, everything had been perfect since we got back together, and he saved me from Matt. I honestly believed that he cared about me now, he told me that he loved me all the time but we were like any couple, we fought from time to time and we got on each-other’s nerves. But I hadn’t done anything to annoy him that day we had a nice breakfast, we went for a walk before Harry and Jess showed up with William and then all of a sudden he snaps at me and tells me that I make him feel guilty for yelling at me.

All I did was ask him to turn the volume down, William was in his bassinette right next to the sofa and the telly was really loud. I didn’t want him to wake up and start crying. Niall loves William so I was surprised he didn’t come back half an hour later.

When the door opened and he walked back in he smiled at me sheepishly and walked over to the sofa where I was sitting. I smiled back but didn’t say anything and certainly didn’t ask him where he had been, it was like asking for the argument to start up again and all I wanted was for him to be happy. He sits next to me and puts his hand on top of mine. I’m surprised, he doesn’t say anything, he just sits there holding my hand.

We sit for a while before I turn to look at him, he looks sad. “I’m so sorry,” He mutters and leans over and kisses my cheek. “I don’t know what came over me, I feel like a right dick and if you leave me I deserve it.” He sighs and moves his whole body and pulls me over to him and wraps his arms around my neck.

“I would never leave you again Niall,” I shake my head. I want him to know that, I am in love with him. Even if he shouts at me for no reason, I’d never leave.

“You’re amazing you know that?” I looks down at me with a goofy smile and kisses my nose. “I love you,” My heart flutters every time he says it. The way his eyes light up and the way he looks at me. I know he means it. It always reassures me when he says it first, like I don’t have to coax it out of him. I crinkle my nose and lean up to kiss him.

“I love you too,” I sigh and bury my head in to his chest taking in his musky smell. “I cooked you some food if you’re hungry.” I giggle after a while of just sitting there. His stomach is growling loudly. He smiles at me sheepishly.

“We’ll make a wife out of you yet!” He shouts as he shoots off the sofa and in to the kitchen. This brightens my smile and I lean back on the sofa and think about how lucky I am to have him as my boyfriend. When William was born he was so smitten that he asked me if we could have kids. It a bit early for that yet but I would not mind at all having kids with Niall.

The alarm on the microwave goes off and shortly after Niall walks out of the kitchen and over to the dining table with a large plate with chicken satay stir fry on top. “Yep definitely going to make a wife outta you,” He winked and sat down. I smile to myself. Maybe everything will be alright.

Is That My Baby, Baby? Harry Styles/Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now