Chapter 12

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The flat is quiet when we arrive and I quickly head up stairs to see Niall. I bet he hates me, I slapped him so hard last night that I’m pretty sure I strained a muscle or something in my hand, there’s a dull ache but I don’t want to pay attention to it right now. I’m nervous about what he’s going to say, what kind of state he’s going to be in and if he’s mad at me for slapping him. I’m not sure that he will be mad at me for slapping him; he deserved it after the sneaky trick he pulled last night.

I don’t bother knocking on his door. I just walk in to his room seeing him in the same position he had been in before we announced that I was pregnant. “Jess,” He’s surprised to see me, but I’m pretty certain that he thinks I’m here because I’ve change my mind, I only think this because as I walk in the door a big grin spreads across his face.

“I’m not here because I want to be with you Niall, don’t get too excited.” I say bluntly as I pull the office chair from his desk and turn it around backwards sitting on it beside his bed, I feel like I should put a little bit of distance between us, the last thing I want or need is more drama and Harry will be furious if something happened and Louis wasn’t in the room.

“I’m sorry Jess,” Niall looks down at the messed up sheets on his bed and frowns. “I know I really screwed up, I just wanted to hug you.” I scoff loudly, if he wanted to hug me all he had to do was ask, I would have given him a hug, he crossed the line when he snuck up on me, made me think that he was Harry and started to suck on my neck.

“I don’t believe that.” I say stubbornly looking at him curiously, he really was sad, his normal bright blue eyes were very dull and he just looked miserable. I hated seeing him like that but I couldn’t make him happy, not when I wanted to be with Harry. “If you just wanted to hug me all you had to do was ask. You didn’t have to sneak downstairs and start kissing my neck. Do you think Harry is going to let us hang out if you keep pulling shit like this?” I arch my eyebrow at him and he stares back at me looking a little lost.

“Jess I…look I know it was wrong but I just want a chance to prove to you that I can be just as good to you as Harry can. You know what he’s like, once a cheater always a cheater. He can’t resist it. You can’t make him happy.” My eyes widen did he just say that I can’t make Harry happy? He must have realised that was a horrible thing to say and it certainly wasn’t helping his cause either. “No Jess I didn’t mean it like that, I just mean that he …” He trails off knowing that what he’s said has already sunk in.

“Let me put it to you like this Niall. We are done, I don’t want to talk to you, I don’t want to see you and if you ever had any chance of being with me it’s gone. We are done!” I hiss at him and kick myself off the chair I was sitting on and stalk out of the room angrily, how dare he? I stomp downstairs and Louis is sitting on the sofa waiting for me.

“No Jess wait! Let me explain!” He calls after me.

“What happened?” He lifts his head when he hears me coming down the stairs, not like he wouldn’t notice I was stomping down them like an elephant. He looks worried when he sees me. I’m absolutely furious that Niall thinks he knows everything. Why would Harry be with me if I didn’t make him happy? He’s told me countless times since we got back together that he can’t live without me.

“He just told me that I can’t make Harry happy, that since Harry cheated on me once he’ll cheat on me again.” I say stiffly as I head for the door. Louis jumps off the couch as he sees Niall coming down the stairs.

Is That My Baby, Baby? Harry Styles/Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now