Chapter 19

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“I have a considerable amount of money and you want a small wedding?” Harry arches his eyebrow at me curiously. I just suggested having a small ceremony in the backyard with our closest friends and Harry didn’t like it all. He wants a big lavish wedding; he told me that he wanted to spoil me. “We could have the ceremony and everything here but does it have to be small?” He asks, “How small do you mean when you say small?”  He asks again, he’s surprisingly excited for the wedding, it’s not like we’ve picked a date or anything but we’ve been reading in to everything and talking about it and he was almost outraged when I told him that I wanted a small wedding.

“I don’t know Harry if I went through a list of people who call me their friend there’s maybe twenty people on that list that I consider true friends. How many friends do you have? I mean I know you’re popular but how many people would you actually consider true friends, friends that you’ll have until you die?” I ask curiously. I know a lot of people but that doesn’t necessarily mean that I want them to witness me marrying the love of my life. Just because you know someone doesn’t mean they are your friend, they’re more of an acquaintance until you spend time together and get to know someone properly and begin to care about them.

“Ok I understand but from a professional point of view I need to invite certain people, like Simon and well producers and other people.” He murmurs slowly.

“You don’t have to, don’t feel obligated, if you want them to be there then you invite them. Plus if you didn’t invite Simon I would.” I grinned at him.

“I suppose so, I guess we should make a list of people that we want at the wedding and then go from there right?” Harry really has no clue how to plan a wedding but that’s alright neither do I. I giggle at his confused face and poke his dimples before leaning over from my side of our plush couch and kiss his cheek.

“We’re not getting married at the end of the month I’m sure there are other things we’re meant to organise before we start sending out invitations. It was just a suggestion, I think we should wait for a while, until the baby is a few months old and I don’t have a frazzled mother’s brain.” I tell him calmly. I’m three days shy of being seven months pregnant and everything is awesome.


You have no idea how relieved I am that he’s moved on. He is no longer creepy, he doesn’t tell me he’s in love with me constantly, he’s such a sweetheart to Noelle it makes me smile. He also apologised for his outburst the day we announced our engagement, actually both Harry and I were very surprised that two days later he approached us and said that he was sorry for being so rude. He then told us that he was going to ask Noelle to be his girlfriend.

He brought her home and she never left. He took her shopping and brought her everything she could ever need because according to him she had just broken up with her abusive ex-boyfriend. She’s actually a dancer which I think is really cool, I’d like to get to know her a little better but she’s always with Niall, I never see him anymore. I sort of feel like she’s hogging him but I know I’m the exact same way with Harry, well it was inevitable because we’re starting a family and getting married but at the start of our relationship Louis was incredibly jealous because he thought I was stealing his best friend. But now he just like my bro is really gonna be my bro, when we get married.

“Hey babe I was thinking we could gather the lads and the ladies around tonight for a sort of house warming. The weather is nice, we could have a barbeque.” He suggests.

Is That My Baby, Baby? Harry Styles/Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now