Chapter 32

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I’m up early the next morning with Will. For some reason I’m really nervous about this coffee date that I have with Caroline and while I was busy worrying about it I started to realise that this will be the first time going out in public with my little bundle of poop and pee. Not that I’m worried or anything because lately the paparazzi have been very respectful but I’m not sure how the fans will be. “Stop worrying,” Harry smiles at me as enters the kitchen.

“How did you know I was worried?” I asked him softly as he walks over to me and kisses me softly on the lips.

“You were tossing and turning all night and as soon as Will made a sound you were out of bed.” He says as he wraps his arms around me and kisses me again. “I know you’re worried about taking him out but he’ll be fine. You don’t even have to take him out of the pram,” He says.

“Ok,” I nod.

“Cheer up buttercup. Next week we’re going to check out venues for our wedding,” He grins at me. My mood instantly brightens I love the way Harry talks about our wedding and how excited he is to get married.

“Really?” I coo.

“Yes really, I’ve got a few places already booked for tours and I thought that we could let Eleanor and Louis mind Will for a few hours while we looked at them.” He suggests. It’s a bloody good thing he’s giving me time to consider the idea, it’s hard to hand your baby over to someone and then leave for a few hours. Especially the first time, pretty sure I’ll be a crier when William starts school.

“I’ll think about it,” I murmur thoughtfully.

“Are you thinking about it?” Harry asks as he buries his head in to my neck and mumbles random thoughts in to my neck. I giggle and push him away.

“I said I’ll think about it, not right now.” He pulls me back for another hug and I have to push him away again. “If you don’t let me go you’ll never get your breakfast,” I tell him and kiss his pouty lips.

“You’re all I need for breakfast baby,” He says confidently leaning down to kiss me again.

“Suit yourself then,” I push him away and walk over to William who is lying on the floor and scoop him up. It’s time for his breakfast. I take him in to his bedroom and sit down the rocking chair that always makes me smile.

“Jess!” Harry whines from the kitchen, I guess he was bluffing haha! He walks in to the bedroom and sits on the floor and stares up at me. “I’m hungry,” He tells me with a small smile.

“You have to wait, I’m busy.” I tell him with an amused grin. I was going to cook for him before I fed the baby but he talked his way out of it. I laugh at his playful pout and continue to sit with William while he feeds.

“But Jess,” He whines loudly.

“Go away,” I laugh.

“Fine I’ll make you breakfast,” He pouts and gets up off the floor.

Is That My Baby, Baby? Harry Styles/Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now