Chapter 21

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After the door shut that night Harry and I both breathed a sigh of relief, having a nice get together had been a disaster and now Louis was mad at us. He’d get over it once he knew that Harry and I were ok but the initial shock and finding out by over hearing it didn’t exactly help. Ten minutes after everybody left the door bell went off, “I’ll get it,” I tell Harry who was half way up the staircase heading to bed.

I walked over to the door and opened it slowly and Olly was standing there with his hands behind his back and a sheepish smile on his face. “Hey Olly,” I smiled.

“Sorry to bother you but erm do you think I could wait inside for my cab? Caroline took my car,” He mutters bitterly, he definitely didn’t seem happy about it. What a bitch.  

“She took your car?” I cock an eyebrow and open the door wider so he can step in.

“Yeah my keys were in her bag, we’ve been living together for a few weeks and well I don’t really want to go home anyway,” He murmurs as I close the door behind him.

“Cancel the cab you can stay here if you like,” I tell him. “We’ve got something like seven bedrooms, you’re welcome to stay.” I tell him and point to the stairs. “Here I’ll show you to a room,” I tell him and lead him up the stairs.

“Olly!” Harry chirps with a large smile when he comes out of the bedroom to see who I was talking to. “Did you forget something?” Harry asks him.

“No not really, Caroline took my car.” He explains.

“What a bitch,” Harry mutters under his breath although it’s not very quiet because both Olly and I hear it and chuckle. “Are you spending the night Olly?” Harry asks when Olly nods Harry disappears in to the bedroom and comes out with a pair of sweatpants for Olly. “There’s plenty of room, just pick a bedroom. Anyone except that one there, that’s the baby’s room,” Harry smiled proudly when he pointed to the bedroom beside ours. He had been spending a lot of his spare time in there painting and decorating, the name William Edward Styles had been put in to cement as Harry had painted the name William on the wall.

“Thanks for letting me stay,” Olly takes the sweatpants from Harry and chooses a room. “Good night!” He calls out as he walks in and closes the door.

“Are you alright?” Harry asks as I sigh deeply and plonk myself on the bed after going back down stairs to turn off all the lights. I’m absolutely exhausted, I’m physically and emotionally exhausted and I feel like I could sleep for days. The worry of Caroline taking Harry away from me has disappeared and the stress of Louis finding out about Harry cheating again was a thing of the past but it had made the night drag.

“I’m alright, I’m just tired. Are you alright?” I ask.

“Oh yeah I’m fine,” Harry nods and flashes me a broad smile as he gets up to turn off the light and crawls back in to bed and snakes his arm around my belly. “This baby is gonna be a football player,” Harry chuckles when the baby starts to squirm and kick. He always reacts to Harry’s touch, it feels amazing.

“I don’t think so!” I shake my head with a small laugh. My baby is not going to play any sort of sport where he’ll get injured, no! Ok so I’m slightly protective and he’s not even here yet! Can you imagine what I’m going to be like when he’s actually here? I smile just thinking of holding my little person in my arms, I am starting to get a little impatient, I feel like I’ve gone through a lot during this pregnancy and I’ve still got just over eight weeks to go.

Is That My Baby, Baby? Harry Styles/Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now