Chapter 1

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Boruto groaned, blinking at the sudden light. He turned over in his bed, burying his head in the sheets. Wait... sheets?

The blonde's eyes flew open, and he quickly sat up in his bed. No. Was it all a dream? Boruto sat up quickly, eyes scanning around his room for any changes. Nothing. His room looked exactly the same as it did before.

Boruto swung his legs over the bed, bringing his hand up to his forehead. So it was just a dream. He sighed, gloomily shuffling to his feet. The boy walked over to his closet, taking his sweet time getting dressed.

With a sigh, he turned around, adjusting his shirt and pants. Urgh, I gotta pee. With a blank expression, the boy walked out of his room, trudging over to the shared bathroom at the end of the hall.

He swung open the door, closing it behind him. Boruto yawned, eyes sleepily blinking awake as he took care of his business. When finished, he zipped his pants up, turning towards the mirror.

What. The. Hell. Boruto gaped at his reflection. Everything about him was the same, except his hair was a jet black color. The boy gritted his teeth. Is this another one of Inojin's stupid pranks?

The image of a chuckling Inojin was brought to the front of his mind. Growling, Boruto brought a hand up to his hair, rubbing at it ferociously. While scrubbing, he could faintly hear his dad calling him for him to come down for breakfast.

"In a minute dad!" He yelled back, glaring at the messy tufts of hair sticking up. Giving up on scrubbing, Boruto stuck his head under the sink, turning on the faucet so that water would soak his hair.

"What do you mean in a minute? You have to go meet with your sensei soon, don't keep him waiting!" Naruto burst into the bathroom, met with Boruto's head lodged in between the faucet and the sink.

The man covered his mouth, letting out a pfft- of laughter. "What are you doing?" Boruto growled at him. "Don't laugh! I cant get this stupid dye out of my hair!" Naruto chuckled at his antics. "What dye? Your hair looks fine to me."

The raven headed boy pulled his head out from under the faucet, glancing into the mirror. He scowled. "What, were you in on it too? My hair is obviously black!"

Naruto shook his head, smiling. "Yes I can see that. When you're done frolicking about your hair, come down. You don't want to be late."

Annoyed at his fathers blatant dismissal of his friend's prank on him, the raven spun around to face Naruto. "But my hai-" Boruto froze at the sight of his father. The man looked incredibly well. He no longer had eyebags drooping under his lids, and his smile was considerably brighter than normal.

But the biggest change was his hair. What had been cut to short, spiky tufts yesterday, was now long, blonde locks. The way his hair was styled reminded him of his grandfather's, except Minato's hair was considerably less spikey.

"What the hell happened to your hair?" Naruto pouted at him. "Oh come on Boruto, don't be like that! You know my hair is messy in the mornings!"

Apparently Naruto hadn't been too upset about the comment, since he quickly recovered from his pout. "Anyways your sister is already eating, so you might want to hurry up before she eats it all."

Upon hearing that, Boruto rushed out of the room, ignoring his fathers cackle behind him. He may not understand what was going on, but there was no way he was going to lose his breakfast to Himawari!

The boy stumbled down the stairs, mouth already watering at the promise of food. He grinned at the sight of the table, cannonballing into his chair. With a grin he grabbed his plate, looking up at the other occupant of the table.

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