Chapter 42

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Boruto ran. He ran as fast as his legs could take him yet it still wasn't fast enough. He arrived at the hospital to screams and yells. They were Mitsuki and Akios. Akio was on the floor writhing in pain. But that can't be because Dad was keeping her chakra in chec- wait.

Where was Dad?

Sakura was panicking kneeling and trying to regulate Akios chakra while Mitsuki yelled and tried to break away from the nin holding him down- why were the nin holding him down?

The building that had once been a safe place had fallen to the ground, covered in rubble, and his parents were nowhere to be seen. Boruto's breath quickened, and his feet seemed unable to support him because before he knew it he was on the ground.

Sarada was by his side in an instant. But she was a blur. They all were. The destruction and fires and sparks blinded him because that was all he could see- that was all that was there.

Mitsuki started screaming. Sarada was yelling at him now. He could hear civilians sobbing and children crying out for their parents. But still, he couldn't see anything but the rubble in front of him.

Two hours passed. Then three. Then four. Somehow it was night. Someone pulled at him, but he didn't move. He heard the hustle and bustle of the active nin calm down, but he didn't move. Someone told him to go home. He stayed.

They gave up. He stayed. His arms collapsed and he felt his head hit the ground. He stayed. All night.

When his eyes opened, a pink-haired figure had made its way into Boruto's vision, tugging at a blonde one. The ringing in his ears seemed to be there to stay. He couldn't hear anything. But his father was crying and devastatingly pawing at the concrete rubble to reach a pale body.

Sakura was crying too. But she held firm to Naruto. Her gaze met Boruto's, and the anguish told him everything he needed to know. He curled into a ball, arms covering his face, and sobbed.


"Boruto? It's Sakura." A knock on his door drew him from his trance. "Can I come in?"

He was about to reply but then the images flooded his mind again and then he couldn't think.


"Boruto? It's been days. Please, come out. Sarada... she won't respond to me. Please Boruto, I can't lose you two too."


"Boruto. Orochimaru was captured. I... just thought you might want to know."


"Boruto. Please. Say something. Anything."


"Boruto, please. One of you, any of you. I just need to know you are ok."


"Boruto, Mitsuki, and Orochimaru had their trial. Orochimaru was let go. Mitsuki... they're holding another trial for him. Normally the Hokage would decide on him, but Naruto..."


Sakura gulped.

Boruto's eyes seemed dead, but there was a single spark of determination in them. Sakura sighed in relief. She wiped at her own red-rimmed eyes. "Come, I'll take you to him."

Sakura led him outside, and the sun blinded him. The concrete glared furiously, and the sun seemed to snicker as his hand came up to rub at his eyes.

They walked. And they arrived.

Boruto blinked the sleep out of his eyes. He glared at Sakura. She sighed and signaled the guards to let them in. If they noticed Boruto's disheveled look, no one commented.

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