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"We should go check on Sarada and make sure no guys are after her."

Naruto smiled at Sasuke reaching for his hand. Sasuke scowled, swatting at him. "Dobe. There's something seriously screwed up in your brain. That's the fifth time you've asked this week. She's old enough to take care of herself."

"I second that."

Naruto pouted, "I just want to make sure no guys get close to her! She only deserves the best!"

"You're disgusting."

Naruto scowled, flinging his arms around the small fox. "Kuramaaaaa you agree with me, right? We must protect Sarada from evil men!"

Kurama rolled his eyes, then nodded at Sasuke before the raven could permanently disfigure the blonde. "You two might want to go down now. Boruto's visiting again."

Naruto frowned. "Again?"

"Cut the kit some slack. He's grieving. Your funeral was less than two months ago."

Naruto's funeral was indeed two months ago. Sasuke smiled at the thought. Not that it was a good thing. Or... maybe it was, just a little bit.

After the... incident, Sasuke found himself somewhere... bright. That's the only word he could use to describe it. It was bright and cloudy, and very peaceful. He had smiled thinking that his family and brother were living just as peacefully.

He had wandered around for a dozen years or so until the clouds gave out from under him. And he'd landed smack in front of his husband... er... widowed husband. Apparently, he was able to return to the world as a manifestation of chakra.

That week, he had found out exactly why he fell back down. That week, he had to watch his husband die. Of course, it was a stupid death, typical Naruto, but that didn't stop it from hurting less.

It had taken him nearly a month for him to gather his wits and come to the funeral. The body had been reduced to ashes, and he found himself face to face with a very startled Naruto.

There were tears. A lot of them. And snot as well, courtesy of Naruto. It had taken Sasuke a month to come to the terms that he hadn't ruined Naruto's life by being there while he died, and even longer for Naruto to trample the guilt he was feeling about being glad Naruto was dead.

He smiled, looking around the little home they'd created. He didn't know what it was, but somehow they were living on through pure will alone.

"Sasuke! Come on!" Naruto yelled. "I gotta see Boruto bawling!"

Sasuke rolled his eyes. "You're an asshole, you know?"

"Yea, yea, come on."

"Can you two shut up?"

Oh, yea that too. Kurama's chakra was evidently scattered when Naruto died. Now he can apparently manifest himself wherever the hell he wants. It was a bit offputting, but that's Biju for you.

The two jumped down the break in the clouds Sasuke had conveniently found right before the blond's death. Naruto landed splat on his face, and Sasuke gracefully on his back, ignoring his grunt of pain.

"Come on! There they are!"

Sasuke rolled his eyes, but let Naruto drag him on nevertheless. He smiled at the sight of Boruto and Mitsuki standing side by side. It had taken them years, and Sarada becoming Hokage, but they made it in the end.

His husband chattered on with no regard for the fact that they couldn't hear him, and Sasuke smiled at the sight.

Sasuke still has some reservations about Naruto dying, and of course, the miracle that enabled them to live on as spirits. Something didn't quite add up about it.

It wouldn't last forever, he could already feel the chakra gifted to them fading away with every breath he took. There were no other spirits around, enabling his theory that this was all temporary.

But it didn't matter. All that did was Naruto. Next to him, breathing, laughing. He was grateful to whomever or whatever blessed them with this last parting gift.

Even when I'm gone, when all traces of us has faded from the Earth, I will still love you. Please know that in our next lives, no matter what happens, I will stay by your side. Even if we never meet. I'm yours. Forever and always.


"Where'd he go?"

Emotional rollercoaster huh? I'm sorry I couldnt give you a happy ending, it really wasnt meant to be. I tried my best to give you some closure though. I really like this ending, and I think it fits perfectly with the story I was trying to create. Sorry if I made y'all sad :(.

Nevertheless, I have had so much fun creating and writing this story. I can still remember when I first started this story, thinking it would go nowhere. Look how far it's come.

Thank all of you sincerely for your encouraging comments and feedback. Especially those of you who've been here since What Couldve Been. You were the pillar that kept me going when things got tough and I started to lose interest in this story. Im glad I didnt stop writing, because this book series has a special place in my heart.

I appreciate each and every one of you, and I hope you can keep supporting me on my writing journey! I already have another fic in mind, and its already out, in case you guys want to check it out ;). Bear in mind, its y/n, and definitely crack. Might add some SNS there too depending on how I feel ;P

Thank you all, and goodbye for good. 

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