Chapter 30

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Fuyoku hummed. "Unfortunately the boy isn't too fond of me. He's leaving today with his sister." Sora sighed. "Pity. He would be a great asset to the village." He hummed. "Hey, why don't you bring Akio over here. You said she was around 11-13?"

Fuyoku nodded. "She's old enough to take the chunin exams." Sora hummed. "Well is she strong enough?" The taller man shrugged. "Her brother would probably know better than I."

"Mitsuki!" The boy looked over from his lecture. Fuyoku waved him over, and Mitsuki obediently came. "Mitsuki. How would you feel about your sister training with us."

The boy's eyes ran ice cold at the mention of his sister. "If you're planning to turn her into a shinobi then I'm afraid I must refuse." Sora laughed. "She doesn't have to become a shinobi. She can train here without a team. Learn how to protect herself."

The boy tensed up. The proposition did sound appealing, but... "What's in it for you guys?" This time it was Fuyoku who answered. "Become my apprentice."

Mitsuki blinked. "I'm sorry?"

"Become my apprentice and fight by my side for a couple of weeks. In return, we'll train your sister with my daughter." Noting Mitsuki's hesitance, he added, "Just come with us to the festival in Suna. If you still don't want anything to do with us after we get there, then fine."

Mitsuki hummed. It wasn't a bad deal by any means. Akio could learn something about protecting herself, and it was a chance for him to get stronger as well. "Fine. But if you try anything..." He shot the man an icy glare.

Fuyoku laughed. "Of course, of course."

"Who will be accompanying us?"

"Sora, his team, some ambassadors, and my wife and I." Mitsuki tilted his head, contemplating. "If it's a festival how come more arent going?"

"Well, it's called a festival, but it's pretty political too. We need more funds for our village, and Suna can provide those funds. The ambassadors are there to negotiate, Huan and I are there for appearance purposes since I'm the head of the shinobi department in our village."

He hummed. "My daughter's team has a mission to escort them safely without my or Huan's interference, and you guys are there for the experience."

Mitsuki nodded. "I see."

He looked up at Fuyoku, a determined look on his face. "When do we leave?"


Three weeks later Mitsuki was sweating hard. His muscles ached, he was covered in bruises, and he was tired and hungry. Finally, they've arrived in Suna. Akio flopped onto the grass in front of him, Anaya and her team following eagerly.

"Holy shit." June laughed breathily. "That sucked." Sora grinned. "Much more intense than what you guys are used to, right?"

Akio laughed heartedly, and Anaya scowled at her teammates. "That's what we get for deciding to train with Mitsuki-san." She glared pointedly at June. "If someone hadn't insisted, we wouldn't be near as tired right now."

Mitsuki smiled at the kids bickering. Fuyoku grinned as well. "You guys only did half the training he did." June scowled, "Yea because we would've died if we had trained a second more."

Sora rolled his eyes. "You guys exaggerate."

Fuyoku chuckled. "Glad to see you all so energetic." He smiled knowingly at the kids. "Well, since you all trained so hard and the ambassadors already left, what do you guys think about a good meal?"

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