Chapter 32

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Kiba glared daggers at the woman, but she ignored him, continuing to smile at the crowd. Dammit, that hurt. He thought. With a grunt, he looked back towards where he spotted Neji a while back only to see him running towards him with Byakugan blazing.

Kiba groaned. That idiot! This was not the time to be acting recklessly like him! He turned his head to the side and caught a glimpse of a yellow blob out of the corner of his eye. He blinked. Was that Naruto? What the hell?

Turning back to the front, he was shocked to find the red-haired woman that had captured him being held at knifepoint. By his wife no less. Who looked very angry. He blinked again, and it was at that point he realized all his friends were hot-headed idiots like him.


Orochimaru grinned at the scene below. It was just as he had expected. Now, all that needed to happen was Noya to appear with the Okari poison and kill Naruto and Gaara. Except... it's been three minutes and Noya hasn't appeared.

Orochimaru groaned. "What the hell? Where is he?"

Naruto and his lackeys had already captured Davina. Not a problem as she was expendable, and wouldn't talk. But this meant that he was one step further from completing his experiment. "Dammit."

The element of surprise was gone. He had missed his chance. With a frown, the man sunk back into the shadows.


The red-haired woman spit at Sakura's feet. "I'm not talking, so you can take your flimsy torture tools and fuck off."

Sakura's nose twitched in disgust. "Oh, you're talking." She hadn't known what to think when Sasuke and Naruto dumped this woman at her feet, but she was connected to Orochimaru and the killings somehow, so she would have to figure out what.

"Any luck?" A bandaged brunette entered the room, grinning obnoxiously. Sakura rolled her eyes. "You're just like Naruto. Neither of you will stay put in the hospital and get better."

Kiba laughed. "Well, my doctor was gone. Didn't figure I needed to stay any longer."

"Uh-huh. Got any info for me? I assume that's why you're here."

Kiba smiled. "Straight to business as always, huh. Ah, I missed Konoha." He stared wistfully at the ceiling of the torture chamber.

Sakura snorted. "Your wife must be worried. Why don't you go home?" Kiba scrunched his nose. "And get beaten and lectured for the tenth time from both my wife and daughter? No thanks." Sakura laughed.

"Anyways, back to business. I heard this one and Orochimaru arguing a while back. The word 'Akio' came up. That mean anything to you?"

Sakura's eyes widened, flitting over to the woman on the ground. Slightly clenched teeth, fingers twitching. "Yes. It does. Thank you, Kiba."

Kiba nodded, glancing at the woman once before leaving. "Be careful."

"So." Sakura sneered, bringing a kunai up to the woman's neck. "Wanna tell me who Akio is?" She spit at Sakura's face. "Bite me." The pink-haired woman narrowed her eyes. This girl was really pissing her off.

"Alright fine. Be that way."

Three hours later Sakura was bloody as hell and had no more information than she had started with. She laughed dryly. "You're stubborn arent you?" The woman glared at her, mouth remaining shut.

Sakura scowled. "Alright then let's take a mini-break. I'll be back soon."

Just as she was turning to leave, the woman spoke up, her voice raspy and faint. "Why do you hate Orochimaru so much? You should just leave him be."

Sakura grit her teeth. "Leave him be?" She snarled at the woman. "I don't know who you think you are, but you have no idea what that man has done." The girl raised an eyebrow.

Sakura sighed. "How old are you?"


Sakura blinked. She was only a couple of years younger than herself. "I'm surprised you told me that." The redhead shrugged. "Not like you can do anything with it."

Sakura pursed her lips. The pieces were clicking in her head. "Oh but I can. Those scars on your body, they were made about ten years ago, weren't they?" No response. So Sakura continued.

She walked over to the prisoner, running the edge of a kunai lightly on the woman's skin. The kunai slowly inched up her arm as she talked. "I can't think of any reason you would serve Orochimaru since it's obvious from the way you talk about him that you hate him."

"Unless..." The kunai rested on the base of her neck now. "...he has leverage on you." A moment of silence followed as Sakura slid the kunai up so it settled just under the woman's chin.

"You're a mother arent you? And he has your child." The woman turned away abruptly, the kunai cutting a thin line into her chin. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Sakura felt a pain of sympathy for this woman. She slowly drew back the knife on the woman's neck. "I'm sorry."

Sakura sighed. She grabbed a small key from her pocket, unlocking the cuffs on the woman's hands. When the woman stared at her suspiciously, Sakura gulped. "What's your name?"

No response. She tried again. "That's not important. Can you come with me? I want to show you something." The woman snorted. "I can't get up. You broke my legs remember?"

Sakura blinked. "Oh! Sorry." The woman raised an eyebrow. "Sorry? Was it not your job?" Sakura frowned, leaning down to face the woman at eye level. She closed her eyes, hands glowing green.

When she looked back up, the woman was staring at her in shock. "What's wrong with you?" Sakura blinked, a rosy blush coming onto her cheeks. "Nothing. Come on, your legs are healed."

The woman pushed herself onto her feet. "I could've killed you." Sakura snorted. "YOu wish." The redhead raised an eyebrow.

Sakura cleared her throat. "No, nothing. Um, follow me."

With a pensive stare, she followed.

Annndddd here's the other one! Enjoy!! :) 

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