Chapter 14

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Boruto groaned, "Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up! Come on dad, lesgo lesgo lesgo!" Naruto scowled into his food. "Stop it Boruto. We'll get going as soon as I finish this." Boruto bounced on his toes impatiently.

As soon as Naruto took his last bite, the young raven grabbed his hand, pulling him along with him. "Lets goooo!"

Sasuke bit his lip to keep from chuckling. "Alright, we can go to see your little boyfriend now," Naruto groaned. Boruto flushed red. "He's not-"

"Dad! Tou-san! Let's go." Sarada called out, already packed and ready. "Coming!" Naruto grumbled. "These kids are so impatient." Sasuke rolled his eyes. "Hypocrite."


"Parent! Look at these flowers!" Mitsuki called out to his parent, a bright smile on his face. Orochimaru smiled at his son. "They're very nice. Remember, don't pick them, or they'll die."

Mitsuki nodded, "Of course!" He kneeled to the ground, gently caressing a bud in his hand. "Why would anyone pick a flower, knowing that it'll die?"

Orochimaru sighed. "People are ignorant and selfish. They take beauty from the land in an attempt to keep it for themselves." Mitsuki shook his head. "Even if doing so will dull the beauty?"

His parent chuckled. "Well, like I said, people are selfish." He stepped closer, patting Mitsuki on the head. "That's why people like us must protect it." Mitsuki tilted his head to the side, wondering if the boy he saw picked flowers.

Who was he anyways? Mitsuki looked up towards his parent. "Parent? Who-" Thud! Mitsuki jumped to his feet, eyes glowing an eerie yellow. Orochimaru turned towards the source, lifting his chin to look down at the figure standing in front of him.

"You murderer!" The figure hissed under her mask. "How dare you." Orochimaru raised an eyebrow. "I'm afraid I have no idea what you mean." The woman scowled, throwing a kunai at Orochimaru, hitting the tree behind him.

"Stop LYING TO ME!" She yelled at him. "You KILLED HER. YOU KILLED THEM BOTH!" Orochimaru sighed, looking up to the sky. "If you were to calm down, we could talk about this like civilized people."

She shook her head, her long hair swishing with it. "No no no. I'm not listening to a murderer." Orochimaru fixed a blank look on her, causing her to flinch back. A shiver ran up her back. "Dont- dont look at me like that."

Her hand trembled. "Stop it. Stop it... STOP!" The woman lunged at Orochimaru, hand outstretched. Within the blink of an eye Mitsuki was there, gripping her arm so hard he was sure it would bruise.

Good. He thought, eyes full of fury directed at her. The woman shook her head. "Why are you protecting him? He's a murderer." Mitsuki furrowed his brows, confused. "What-"

"That's enough." Orochimaru gently pried Mitsuki's hand off of the woman's arm. "Leave. You're disturbing the peace."

The woman shook her head, "No fucking way. I'm not leaving until you admit it." Orochimaru narrowed his eyes. "I said leave. Or I'll lock you up again. And we wouldnt want that would we?" The woman shivered. "You're sick."

The woman shook her head. "They'll come for me." Orochimaru laughed dryly. "That's what's supposed to happen, yes."

Mitsuki looked between the two, unsure of what to do. His parent still had a gentle grip on his hand, telling him to stay put. Mitsuki adopted a worried look. This woman... must be dangerous.

The albino look another look at her. Now that she had lost her hysteria, the woman's eyes were calculating. Mitsuki couldnt help but flinch as her eyes landed on him. Her voice was eerily calm as she spoke, "Who is this."

Orochimaru grinned. "Now, now, Hyuga-san. Thats none of your business." He gently let go of Mitsukis hand. "Say-"

"One step and he dies." Mitsuki gulped. He hadnt even noticed the woman move behind him, now pressing a kunai to his neck. The boy narrowed his eyes as the ground, the metal cool on his skin.

When Orochimaru did nothing to help him, the woman tightened her grip, the kunai threatening to break skin. Mitsuki used the chance to let out a hiss.

The woman spoke again, "It was a mistake to not lock me up. Undo these chakra constraints, or your son is dead."

Orochimaru's eyes widened in surprise. "Very good, Hyuga. You're more perspective than I thought." The woman shook her head. "You-"

Crack! The ground opened up to reveal a snake, a good ten times the Hyuga's size. She gasped in surprise. When the snake lunged towards her, she let go of Mitsuki, abruptly jumping back.

Mitsuki dashed towards Orochimaru, who quietly praised him. Mitsu stood in front of Orochimaru and Mitsuki protectively, his tongue flickering out in a hiss. The woman shook her head.

"You don't even let me see Naruto and Sasuke when they come over, and now you end my life? You're sick." Orochimaru smirked. "I suppose I am. Mitsuki."

The boy nodded. "Mitsu." The snake slithered towards the woman, who quietly backed away until her back hit an invisible barrier. She cursed. "I hope you rot in hell."

Orochimaru grinned. "That's only assuming I ever die, Hyuga-san. Goodbye."

Mitsu lunged.

"HINATA!" A blob of yellow flashed in front of Mitsuki's eyes, knocking Mitsu back. The snake hissed, withdrawing next to Mitsuki.

The woman- Hinata, he called him- laughed in relief. "Naruto, you came back." The blonde shook his head. "Hinata, you're too reckless. What the hell were you thinking, attacking him head on without any chakra?"

A black haired man came up behind the woman, undoing her constraints. "Thanks Sasuke." The man just sighed. Seeing that Hinata was taken care of, the blonde man turned towards Mitsuki and Orochimaru.

He growled. "And now to deal with you two." Taking a step forward, the man silently made some hand signs, and Mitsuki could immediately tell that this man was on a different level than his father.

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes. "Why have you come back?" Naruto shook his head. "No matter. But it seems I was just in time." 

Double update for you all because I really need to get this story finished :p.

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