Chapter 5

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"Hinata!" Naruto called. He frowned, knocking at the door. "Hinata, listen! I understand that this is a stressful situation for you, but we need your help!"

Behind him, Sasuke felt an overwhelming feeling that something was wrong wash over him. The male rushed over to the door, grabbing the doorknob and forcefully twisting it to the side.

Naruto winced at the sound of the mechanism breaking, but at least the door was open now. The blonde barged in, eyes sweeping the house. He cursed, unable to sense Hinata's chakra anywhere.

"Naruto." Sasuke called out. "Look." Naruto immediately rushed back outside. "What did you find?"

The raven furrowed his brow. "I'm not sure." He quietly handed over what looked to be a tube with a sharp metal edge. Naruto paled at the sight of it. "Shit! I knew we should've hunted those damned Okari bastards before."

Sasuke sucked in his breath, the situation dawning on him. "This is the same needle they used on you, isn't it?" Naruto nodded. "I'm going to hand it over to Shikamaru. Maybe he and his team will be able to find some sort of fingerprints."

The Uchiha frowned. "Wasn't that poison deadly for a non jinchuriki?" Naruto grimaced, a dark expression on his face. "Yea. That's why we need to find them as soon as possible."

The two men rushed to the Hokage's office, surprised to see that Shikamaru was already there. "Hokage-sama." The brunette greeted. "A note was sent to your office just now."

"Give it to me." Shikamaru complied, and the blonde all but snatched it from his hands. He tore the note open, impatiently reading through the contents.

"Shit. They've got Hinata." Shikamaru frowned. "They could be bluffing. It's highly unlikely that they would be able to defeat Hinata, especially when she's got her guard up because Kiba's disappeared." Sasuke silently held up the tube that they found on the ground.

Shikamaru's eyes widened, before narrowing in understanding. "I see." He silently took the tube from Sasuke's hands, nodding at the couple. "I'll get this tested. We have to find them as soon as possible."

Naruto nodded gratefully at his friend, wearily watching his back as he left the room.

As soon as he heard the click of a door shutting, he turned around to face Sasuke. His eyes seemed sad, the way they always did when he was about to do something Sasuke would most definitely not like.

The raven grit his teeth. "You're going after them. Alone." Naruto sighed, looking away from Sasuke's. He sighed as if he was trying to say there was no other way. Sasuke supposed he was right. But it was exactly what the enemies wanted.

"I'm coming with you." Naruto rolled his eyes, having expected this answer. "No, you won't. You need to keep an eye on our children, remember? The ones who are currently alone and unprotected at the house?"

Naruto's husband narrowed his eyes at him. "If you think I'm going to sit back and allow you to do this alone, you're mistaken. Gravely."

The blonde huffed. "Well then what the hell am I supposed to do?" Sasuke pondered his words for a moment. He frowned, having come up with an idea. A risky one. One that Naruto would never agree to.

"Sarada can stay with Sakura. She'll be more than happy to have the company since Tsunade is making her take leave for a few weeks. Boruto..." He looked up, meeting his spouse in a hesitant gaze.

Naruto knew that look on his face. He knew him better than he knew himself. And he knew exactly what Sasuke was thinking. The blonde let out a scoff. "You can't be serious."

Sasuke tore his eyes away in favor of admiring the paint texture on the wall. Naruto shook his head, furious with him for even suggesting such a thing. "There's no way. Out of the question."

Sasuke sighed. "We have no choice. We can't leave him here alone, I'm not letting you go by yourself, you're sure as hell not going to let me go by myself, and we can't just sit here and do nothing."

Naruto briskly walked the distance between him and his husband, face crowding into the raven's personal space. "You know what you're saying we should do? Bring our only child into a group of dangerous shinobi that we know nothing about?"

Sasuke glared at him. "We don't know anything about them."

"Oh yea?" Naruto hissed. "Tell me, oh wise one? What do you know that I don't?" Sasuke scoffed, a fire lighting in his eyes, something Naruto somehow always managed to do.

"I know exactly what you know, except I'm not such a dumbass that I can't piece the puzzle together."

Naruto clenched his fists at the implication. He scowled, his voice raising a couple of octaves. "Oh yea? Well I-"

"The antidote, Naruto."

The Hokage blinked, the words taken out of his with Sasuke's interruption. His mind gears turned slowly, unable to comprehend what was said. "What?"

Sasuke rolled his eyes. "We have the antidote to their stupid poison. And they don't know that we've managed to alter it to counteract all Okari poison, whether the dose is big or small."

"Not to mention," he paused to shoot an icy glare at his husband. "We know about the time traveling, something they could not even fathom. We have an abundance of knowledge all cramped up in the form of a little boy. Our little boy."

Naruto blinked. "You... want to use Boruto?"

Sasuke ignored him, continuing on with his little speech. "The point is Naruto, we're not as helpless as you seem to think we are. Not to mention, having two of the strongest shinobi in the world go after a couple of kidnappers might seem a little overkill to some."

He gives Naruto a pointed look. "He'll be perfectly safe with us. Even safer, some might argue, than in the village."

Naruto clamped his jaw shut, tight. Sasuke urged one more time. "Naruto, we need Boruto to stay with us. Even if we don't find any clues about his connection with the attacks, he could remember something from our original timeline."

The blonde finally relented. "Fine. But he's not leaving our sight." Sasuke smiled softly at his lover. "Of course not."

A matching smile slid onto Naruto's face, and he leaned forward to steal a sweet kiss from Sasuke.

"Alright then. Let's do this," he murmured into Sasuke's cheek. The raven chuckled before pushing him away. "Yea. Let's do this."

Sorry guys, but updates might be slow these next few weeks! I'll try to get them out as soon as possible!

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