Chapter 17

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Himawari's hands trembled, her eyes welled up with tears. "Mom!" She rushed towards Hinata, arms wrapping around her waist to engulf her in a huge hug. Hinata squeezed back, holding her daughter close.

Himawari pulled back to look around, face falling when she didn't find who she was looking for. "Mom?"

Hinata shook her head. "We couldn't find him, but don't worry. Now that we know who the culprit is, it's only a matter of time." Himawari nodded, and Hinata smiled at her daughter. "Do you want to get some ramen?

Naruto perked up. "I'm down for ramen!" Sasuke rolled his eyes. "Idiot, she wasn't talking to you." Hinata laughed. "You guys are always welcome to join us. Besides, I'm sure Himawari would enjoy spending some off time with her team."

The girl grinned at Boruto and Sarada, both of which threw a blinding smile back. "Yea yea yea!" Boruto exclaimed, "Let's get some ramen!" Sarada shrugged. "As long as they have tomatoes."

Sasuke gently put a hand on Sarada's shoulder. "Sarada and I are going to get some healthy food and meet you guys at Ichiraku's." Sarada nodded enthusiastically. "Yea, with tomatoes!"

Sasuke chuckled. "I would never leave out the tomatoes." Naruto shrugged. "You two are missing out, but ok!"

Sasuke rolled his eyes again, ignoring Naruto in favor of walking away. The blonde stuck his tongue out at the raven's back.


Hinata laughed, "I remember! Sasuke was so pissed, he turned Naruto's hair pink!" Sarada giggled, "Yea, Dad complained for three days until Tou-san finally turned it back!"

Sasuke grumbled. "Technically your dad did do it since it's because of his genes that you do pranks." Naruto cackled. "What can I say, they got their father's brilliant personality!"

Sasuke shook his head, muttering, "Hopefully they didn't gain his stupidity too." Naruto squawked in protest.

Boruto smiled. They really were one big family. It was... nice. Having lighthearted squabbles instead of angry screaming.

Boruto cast his eyes downward, his mind bringing him back to cold nights of hiding under the blanket, covering his ears as he tried not to listen to his mother's disappointed yelling and fathers tired whispering.

But then his mother was replaced with Sarada, and his fathers hair grew out, and-

Naruto grinned. "Oh come on honey, your father's at work, and I guarantee it'll be hilarious!" Sarada shook her head. "But Dad, what if Tou-san finds out it was us?"

Boruto laughed, "Come on Sarada, where's your sense of adventure?" Sarada scowled.

"What are you, chicken?" Sarada growled, snatching the pink spray paint from Naruto's hand. "I'll show you chicken!"

Boruto and Naruto looked at each other, then burst out into laughter. "Come on," Naruto whispered, "I don't want to miss this."

Sarada stomped over to Sasuke's room, gulping as she opened the closet. She delicately took her father's ANBU outfit out, placing it on the ground. Boruto and Naruto watched silently from the doorway.

She squeezed her eyes shut, hastily pressing down on the button. Pshhhhh- Sarada opened her eyes. "Oh no. Tou-san is going to kill me." At that moment, Sasuke entered through the window.

"Hey Naruto-"

"Oh shit- run." Naruto whispered to Boruto. The two boys quickly ran back to the kitchen. Sasuke looked at his now hot pink ANBU uniform, and then his daughter. Sarada gulped. "Uh oh."


Boruto laughed. "Yea, and Tou-san had to get a new ANBU outfit because the pink wouldn't wash out. He told the clothes makers to take it out of Naruto's paycheck!"

Sarada and Hinata giggled, their laughs slowly dying out when they saw the expressions on Naruto and Sasuke's faces.

Sasuke let out a breath he hadn't known he was holding. "Boruto, how do you know that?" Boruto blinked, then bit his lip, the realization setting in. "I... dont know."

Sarada blinked in confusion. "What do you mean? He was there when it happened." The table remained dead silent.


"Naruto! Sasuke!" A male voice knocked the trio out of their trance. Sasuke swallowed, composing himself. "Yes Shikamaru?"

The brunette sighed. "I think you two should look at this." He glanced over at Hinata. "It's an SOS signal. We think Kiba sent it."

Hinata gulped. "What? Are you sure?" Shikamaru nodded. "You guys need to head out quickly. I'm not sure if we have much time."

The adults at the table shared a glance. Naruto nodded. "Alright then let's do this. Hinata." He raised an eyebrow. "Are you coming?"

The woman smirked. "Wouldn't miss it for the world."

Boruto stood up abruptly. "I'm going too." Sarada whipped her head around to face him. "What-"

"Absolutely not."


Naruto looked at Sasuke in shock. "What? Are you kidding me, no way! It's way too dangerous!" Sasuke bit his lip. "He needs to do this Naruto."


"Do you really believe he won't take off by himself if we leave without him?"

Naruto snapped his mouth shut.

Hinata sighed. "Well I guess that settles it. We leave in an hour."

"Wait." Sarada scowled. "If Boruto's going, I'm going too." Himawari nodded, "Yea, same."

Naruto opened his mouth, but then shut it. He turned around, grumbling something under his breath that Boruto couldn't quite catch.

Sarada tugged on Boruto's sleeve. "Come on, let's get packing." Boruto nodded his agreement, following his sister away from the adults.


Ten minutes later, Boruto was packed and ready to go. "Oi, Sarada, where the hell did you put my lucky sweater?" Well, almost ready to go.

"I didn't touch it!" Sarada yelled back, her voice echoing in the hall. "Besides, you're only supposed to pack necessary stuff! This is a mission, not a vacation!" Boruto opened his mouth to retort, "Well-"

"Kids, hurry up!"

"Ok Dad!" The two spoke simultaneously.

Boruto grumbled, heading back into his room. He quickly sealed up his clothes in a scroll, which was then safely tucked in the sachet around his waist. The boy turned around to leave when a swirl of colors caught his eye.

Ah, the potion. Boruto bit his lip. Should he?

"Boruto, hurry up!"

"Coming!" Boruto grabbed the bottle, sticking it into his sachet and rushing downstairs.

Well well well, looks like the magic potion is finally coming into use! I wonder who it'll be used on~~

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