Chapter 23

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"Boruto! Wake up!" Boruto groaned. He lazily blinked his eyes open to find a face full of- "ARGH! Sarada, don't scare me like that!" The girl rolled her eyes.

"Whatever, I thought you might want to hear this." Boruto sat up, rubbing his eyes. He looked around the room, frowning when he didn't find who he wanted. "Hey, where's Mitsuki?"

Sarada sighed, putting her hands on her hips. "That's the problem Boruto. He's gone, and so are our parents and Sakura-san. They've left us with Hinata-san." Boruto scowled. "What? But why? What happened?"

His sister glared at the floor. "We don't know. But we're going to find out." Boruto blinked. "We?" Himawari poked her head through the door. "Just took care of mom! I'm not strong enough to keep her unconscious long, so let's go quickly!"

Boruto let out a surprised breath. "You're kidding me. I just woke up." Himawari rolled her eyes. "Oi, you coming or not? If you want to wait 'til mom wakes up, that's on you, but we're leaving now."

Boruto shook his head. "Alright, I'll get dressed."

"No time!" His sister chirped, grabbing him by the arm. "Hinata-san will wake up any moment now." Boruto yelped as he was yanked out of his bed and dragged out of his room.

"Wait wait WAIT!" Himawari and Sarada stared down at him. "Where are we even going?" Sarada rolled her eyes. "To find your little boyfriend."

"He's not-"

"Yea, yea. Save it for someone who cares. We gotta go."

Two hours later the trio found themselves standing in front of their very angry parents. Sasuke groaned. "What in the hell made you think it would be a good idea to try and follow us?"

Sarada scowled. "Forgive me if I'm a bit curious about what's going on right under my nose." She glared at her father. Himawari and Boruto nodded in agreement.

"We aren't kids anymore. We're already 16! At our age, you guys were fighting international criminals, not getting coddled by your parents!" Himawari complained. Sarada added, "How are we supposed to get stronger if we aren't even allowed to stay in the village without adult supervision?"

The two girls turned to Boruto, clearly expecting him to say something. The raven gulped. What was he supposed to say? He couldn't tell them that he preferred the coddling to his parents barely paying attention to whether he was dead or not.

Well... then again. "I uh, do think it's unreasonable that we need adult supervision in the village? It's pretty safe there..." Sasuke shot him a glare, and Sakura muttered under her breath, "They're even worse than you at 16."

Naruto laughed dryly. "That's an exaggeration. Just be glad they aren't trying to start a war with the village." Sasuke shook his head, ignoring his teammates. "We should've left them with Kakashi."

Sakura scrunched up her nose. "Kakashi would've tied them up and locked them in a safe."

"Exactly," Sasuke muttered.

Sakura rolled her eyes. "What do we do with them now?" Naruto shrugged. "I guess they come with us. Or we send them back to the village." Sasuke scrunched up his nose. "Alone?"

Sakura pursed her lips. "Yea I think I get why they think we're coddling them now." Naruto sighed as Sasuke retorted back.

Sarada grit her teeth. "They won't even let us return to the village alone." Himawari scowled. "Come on let's go." Sarada nodded.

"Eh? Where are we going?" Sarada rolled her eyes, "Where do you think? We're gonna catch up to Mitsuki while they aren't looking."

"But Tou-san-"

"Shut up." Sarada scowled. "I'm still pissed that you know more than me." BOruto opened his mouth, but nothing came out. "Oh. I-"

"No, it's fine." Sarada looked away with a slightly pained expression on her face. "I'm used to adults keeping secrets from me by now." She looked back at Boruto. "I just didn't think there would be secrets between us. "

A pain of guilt shot through Brouto's gut. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. Let's just get out of here before our parents notice." Boruto silently followed the two girls, the guilt eating away at him from the inside out. I really am sorry. I promise... I'll tell you everything when it's time.



Mitsuki turned around in surprise. His face lit up in a wide grin. "Log!" The older male smiled, opening his arms so his little brother could envelop him in a hug. "Where did you go for half a year?"

Log and Orochimaru exchanged a glance. He laughed nervously. "I was just out on a mission." Mitsuki bit his lip, face falling a little. Log was lying to him again. Just like parent. Come to think of it, the only person who hasn't lied to him yet was-

No. Don't tell me you actually trust what he said about the potion? "Are you ok?" Mitsuki was yanked out of his thoughts. He forced a grin at his brother. "Fine."

"Mitsuki!!" A young girl's voice echoed in the air. Mitsuki's eyes lit up. "Akio!" The girl ran to Mitsuki, who gladly picked her up off the ground.

Orochimaru smiled gently at the sight. "Alright now, let's go back home. You have to continue your training."

"Training for what? Mind elaborating?" Mitsuki shot around, he could feel his brother tense behind him. Orochimaru grinned sadistically. "Why Sasuke, it's great to see you! Came back to finish the job?"

The man laughed dryly. "I won't bother." He glanced down at Mitsuki, who flinched away from his glare. "I won't ask you again. What are you planning on doing with that boy?"

"That boy is my son Sasuke."

Sasuke rolled his eyes. "I see backstabbing runs in the family." Mitsuki visibly tensed. Sasuke turned to the boy, ignoring Orochimaru. "Why did you leave him? According to Boruto, you two were quite close in his past life."

Log blinked. "Past life? Am I missing something?"

Mitsuki hissed, "You think I would trust a stranger whose parents killed mine?" Sasuke shrugged. "Fair enough."

"You... didn't drink it?"

Mitsuki whipped his head around to see Boruto with a heartbroken expression on his face. "But- how? You knew things about-"

"Everything I said was either speculation or easily predictable. You were the one who filled in the gaps."

Boruto reeled back, hurt. Mitsuki scowled. "Why the hell are you so hell-bent on trusting me anyways?"

"I told you, we-"

"Share a past." Mitsuki grit his teeth. "Yea I heard."

A moment of silence passed as Boruto's head swam with his thoughts. "So... you threw it out?" Mitsuki wouldn't meet his eyes. Boruto felt dizzy. He couldn't focus on anything but the crushing feeling inside his chest.

"So... it's gone? It all meant nothing to you?"

Mitsuki gulped, before landing the final blow. "No. But it seems to mean a lot more to you than just friends should."

Boruto snapped. Everything meant nothing. All that he'd worked for. For him. It meant nothing at all to Mitsuki. He scowled, lunging towards Mitsuki, and his fist connected with the albino's face in one, satisfying CRACK!

Well damn-

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