Chapter 15

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"MITSUKI!" A bluish black blob knocked into the boy with a hug. Barely registering the boy's face in his shock, Mitsuki automatically threw him off.

Boruto landed on his feet, unphased. Spotting Orochimaru next to Mitsuki, he narrowed his eyes. "You told me he didn't exist." Mitsuki shook his head. The whole situation was way too bizarre for him to make sense of.

Then the blonde man grabbed his parent, and he was frozen to the spot, watching in horror as these strangers stormed into his home. Akio. He thought. Mitsuki ran into his house, pushing past the intruders.

"Mitsuki, wait!" Boruto yelled, chasing after him. The boy in front ignored him, rushing past the cold stone walls, ignoring the way the souls seemed to screech for him. He made a beeline to the room with the tunnel, bursting in with Boruto at his heels.

He quickly got to work, moving the wooden planks to reveal nothing but darkness. Sparing but a glance at the raven following him, he jumped down, hissing at Mitsu to intercept.

The snake responded, growing just big enough to clog up the tunnel behind him. Mitsuki quickly ran to his room, shuddering in relief when he saw Akio. The girl was asleep on the table, her boyish hairstyle messily spread out around her head.

"Akio! Wake up!" Mitsuki whispered, fear starting to cloud his brain. Akio stirred, and deciding she was too slow, he picked her up in one fell swoop. That woke her up. "Mitsuki?" She asked groggily.

"What's going on?"

"We're under attack." The boy ran out of the room, looking for an exit, any exit. Mitsuki racked his brain, eyes widening as he recalled his conversation with Log. "Don't go into the walls, Mitsuki. The souls-"

But where had parent come from that day? He must have, must have come from the walls. Mitsuki grit his teeth. Was it worth it? Looking behind his shoulders at Akio's wide eyes, he confirmed, yes, it was.

The boy quickly set the girl down, grabbing her hand. "Mitsuki?" A boy's voice called out for him. Dammit. Mitsuki scowled. How had the boy gotten past Mitsu so quickly? No matter. What's important right now is getting Aiko away.

Two grueling minutes later, Mitsuki approached the dead end. Nothing but stone covered this wall. He hesitated. Was there even anything here? Could he have been mistaken? Mitsuki shook his head.

He had to try. So Mitsuki did, trying jutsu after jutsu, and none of them worked. "Mitsuki!" The boy's voice was getting louder. He looked down at Akio, who was fidgeting nervously.

"Alright Mitsuki, I'm going to teach you one more jutsu today. It's only for emergencies, so don't use it in training, alright?" His parent's voices rang in his head.

Could it be? Mitsuki sighed. Well it was worth a shot. Mitsuki held his breath as he went through the hand signs.

The wall melted away. Mitsuki let out a breathy laugh of relief. "Come on Akio, he whispered." The girl followed him with wide eyes, the wall closing back in behind them.

Once inside, the duo found themself face to face with a metal door. "Identification, please." Mitsuki frowned. Spotting a hole in the wall, he decided to stick his finger in it.

"ARUGHH!" Mitsuki screamed. Aiko let out a whimper beside him. "Identification confirmed. Welcome, Orochimaru." Mitsuki pulled his finger from the hole, his eyesight blurring when he saw no finger there.

Akio spoke, voice shaky. "Mitsuki, c-come on, let's go. Please." Mitsuki shook his head, but let himself be led through the metal door anyways. No sooner than they'd come in, Akio screamed, her voice vibrating along the walls.

"Akio?" Her scream brought him back to his senses, and he was on full alert as he scanned the room. Oh. No wonder she had screamed. The badly beaten woman in chains was a sight that made him want to retch as well.

In fact, that's what he did. Mitsuki keeled over, throwing up on the floor in front of him. The vomit splattered everywhere, a small piece landing on the woman's face. Akio winced. Was she even alive?

When her head raised to reveal two emerald green eyes, Mitsuki confirmed, yes, yes she was. He wanted to throw up again.

"Who the hell are you two?" The woman's voice was raspy, like she hadn't had water in a very long time. Akio's instincts kicked in while Mitsuki stood there in horror, bringing her arm up to the woman's mouth.

She bitterly refused. "What are you doing?"

"Bite me," Akio pleaded, eyes welling up with tears. "I can heal you, so please..." The woman's eyes widened. "An Uzumaki? You-" She cut herself off.

Warily eying Akio, she bit down, mouth filling with the tangy taste of iron. Almost immediately, she could feel a faint trail of energy and chakra flowing into her, healing her.

Voice a little clearer now, she began to speak. "Boy, undo these chains on me." Mitsuki nodded furiously, rushing forward to help. Once the chains were up, the woman slid to the ground, arms shaking as they tried to keep her body up.

Evidently, they failed, and she slumped to the ground. Mitsuki frowned in worry. "M'am, you're really weak." The woman snarled at him, "No shit. Help me up."

Mitsuki and Akio settled on each side of her, heaving her up to her feet. She coughed, wincing at the pain. "O-over there, by that wall. Use the jutsu you used to get in and we should be able to get out of here."

Mitsuki nodded. "How do you know?" She scowled, "I-"

"M'am?" Mitsuki panicked as she slumped over in his arms. Akio whimpered, struggling to keep her up. The boy grit his teeth. Akio wasn't used to this physical strain on her body. He would have to carry her himself.

"Akio, help me get her onto my back." The girl shot him a worried look, but complied, out of breath by the time the woman was secured. The trio quickly headed over to the wall the woman mentioned, Mitsuki quickly making some hand signs.

To his immense relief, the wall opened up. Moving quickly, the boy and girl climbed the staircase, Akio helping him push open the trapdoor at the top of the stairs. Mitsuki reveled in the clean scent that filled his nose.

He climbed up onto the green, green grass, gently laying the woman's body down. Akio climbed out after him, eyes wide in astonishment as she took in the view. Mitsuki laughed. That's right, Akio has never seen the outside world before now.

He smiled softly at her. "Go ahead, explore. I'll try to tend to her wounds." Akio nodded excitedly, wasting no time in running off. Mitsuki chuckled to himself. All was peaceful for 10 minutes or so until he heard Akio's familiar scream again.

Bolting up, Mitsuki followed her voice. "Akio, what's wrong-" The blood drained from his face. No no no no no- this can't be happening.

Welp. that happened. Can't wait for the next chapter! ;D

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