Chapter 29

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Naruto sighed. "I guess it was too much to hope for a normal family outing."

"Hm." Sasuke said, "We need to keep an eye on him. That man is nothing but trouble. I don't want to know why he's in Suna, but it can't be anything good." Hinata sighed.

"No point worrying over it now. We can discuss with Neji and Gaara once we get there." She smirked. "Come on boys, we aren't going to let a bunch of teens beat us to Suna, now are we?"

Naruto laughed, and Sakura huffed. Within seconds the trio had surpassed their children, laughing and taunting as they passed.


When Fuyoku woke up that morning, he wasn't expecting Mitsuki and his sister to be there. Still, he couldn't help the wave of disappointment that washed over him when he checked their room only to find it empty. The futons were neatly folded next to each other, the place as spotless as it had been yesterday.

Fuyoki shook his head with a sigh. "He could've at least had some breakfast before leaving," he muttered. Scratching at his head, the man made his way to the kitchen, the sweet scent of his wife's cooking waiting for him.

He found her in the kitchen as always, humming as she warmed up the food she had cooked yesterday. A small redhead was sitting next to her on the counter, chattering question after question as Huan answered patiently.

"How come you cooked the food yesterday instead of today?" Huan smiled. "Because more often than not, my husband leaves for work before I wake up."

"Then how come that isn't the case today?"

"He asked for the day off."

"Then why did you cook yesterday?"

Huan laughed. "Habit, I suppose."

"Huan." Fuyoku entered the kitchen, picking up a pre-made plate for him. Huan beamed as he entered the kitchen. "Hello darling," she said as she gave him a peck on the cheek. Fuyoku smiled sweetly at her.

His gaze turned to Akio. "I thought you and your brother would have left by now." She shook her head. "He's out looking at weapons. He said that his are dull and old."

Fuyoku hummed, grabbing a fork and digging into his breakfast. "Ah yes, I've been meaning to ask. Is your brother a shinobi?" Akio shook her head. "Nope!"

The man paused, "Really? He seemed pretty skilled when I fought with him before. I could've sworn he was close to jonin level." Akio narrowed her eyes when she heard that they had fought, but answered anyway. "He's had training."

"From who?"

"I'd appreciate it if you don't pry."

Fuyoku looked up, surprised. Ah. The girl had a pleasant look on her face, but her eyes were cold, guarded. He shut up, silently returning to his food. Just what could have happened to these children?

Sensing the tension, Huan patted her husband on the back. "Why don't you go check on him? The poor boy could get scammed." Fuyoku nodded. "Alright."

Ten minutes later, the man left Akio to his wife's hands. He hummed as he roamed the streets, greeting the residents, all of which he knew by name. He had been walking for a while when a blob of white hair caught his eye.

Taking a closer look, he confirmed that indeed, that was Mitsuki, and he seemed to be squabbling with a merchant.

He quickly walked over, catching a part of their conversation. Mitsuki scowled. "I don't understand why I have to pay for something that woman broke."

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