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xxxix. Photographs

Finnick couldn't believe it

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Finnick couldn't believe it. Something he knew was inevitable now seemed like a miracle. It was as if the entire world had stopped its motion – the eerie silence that filled the room was deafening. He wished it lasted longer than a few seconds if only to have more time to process the rush of thoughts that clouded his mind.

"Without power, we should be secure with going in and out," Plutarch began, but Finnick couldn't hear. "We'll need a rescue team with, hopefully, some volunteers."

Their voices were incomprehensible echoes.

A confusing mixture of worry and relief spun inside him, every crevice of his mind suddenly forgetting Katniss and the entire rebellion. All that mattered now was that Aurora could be saved.

He would finally see her again.

"I'll go," he heard Gale say through the slew of voices filled with fear and excitement.

Deep down, he dreaded not knowing what laid behind her eyes, and yet, he was terrified to find the truth. Terrified to find out if she really hated him.

He knew it didn't matter. His love for her would remain untouched even if she despised him.

They'd been together all their lives. Their connection was seemingly unbreakable – everyone had known that. Though he couldn't help the small part of him that doubted it.

"Sign me up as well," the voice of Ace Ripley brought him back from his trance.

Plutarch nodded. "Alright, we have three people down and only three more to go. We need to keep this team small if we want to—"

"Wait," Finnick instinctively interrupted, catching all eyes on him. "What about Aurora?"

Tension filled the room and was only increased with the hefty sigh that left President Coin's lips. Finnick prepared for his heart to be broken.

"Finnick," she began, clearly caught off guard. "We'll talk about this later—"

"No," he said firmly, stepping forward. He felt the energy suddenly reignite his once exhausted bones. "I don't want to wait for you to tell it to me lightly. It's a simple question."

Suddenly, the door slid open, revealing none other than Beetee. He quickly settled himself at the table beside Plutarch.

"What's going on?" he asked awkwardly, noticing the tension between Finnick and Coin.

Plutarch chuckled slightly, "We're rescuing the victors."

"And Aurora?" Finnick repeated with emphasis. "Last time I recalled, you promised we were getting her out."

"The circumstances are different. For all we know, she is a threat, and so far, she hasn't shown anything to say otherwise," Coin chose her words carefully, though she spoke each one with terrifying confidence.

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