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vi. Showtime

Aurora awoke from her slumber, finding herself in her own bed

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Aurora awoke from her slumber, finding herself in her own bed. Confusion overtook her. The last thing she remembered was being sat beside Finnick on the velvet sofa, watching the stars as they neared the Capitol. Looking out the window, it was no longer evening. The stars were now gone, disappeared, off to enchant another on the other side of the world. Aurora only hoped they'd return just once more.

Drowsiness plagued Aurora's body as she stood from her bed, not getting enough sleep, whatsoever. Not bothering to get ready, or tidy up the slightest bit, she exited her room. The sound of platter clinging against each other graced her ears. When she looked up, she found Elodie, Ace, and Mags around the table enjoying breakfast. A buffet of food was set up, so much that it could feed a few families from District Twelve.

Aurora had always disliked the excessiveness and gluttony of the Capitol. They consume more and more every day, only to crave more. After they've gotten their fix, they try desperately to lose all the weight they've gained, aiming for the skinny body that seemed to be the trend. Meanwhile, the districts were starving from the lack of food. That skinny body was a curse in the districts. A big belly was undesirable in the Capitol, yet praised back in her home, especially in District Twelve.

Despite her disgust, Aurora felt a grumble in her stomach, signaling she was hungry. The last time she'd eaten was before the reaping, almost twenty-four hours. Her body needed the energy, now more than ever.

"Good morning Aurora. Come, eat. It's only a matter of time before we arrive." Elodie spoke up from her seat at the table. Her greeting only caused Mags and Ace to notice her presence. Aurora swore she heard Ace's grumbly voice let out a quiet "Morning."

As she walked up to the display of food, she noticed someone was missing. Someone important. "Where's Finnick?"

"I think he's getting ready." Ace finally spoke. His words were almost incomprehensible with the amount of food stuffed in his mouth. Having been eating fish for the majority of his days, the Capitol cuisine tasted heavenly on his palate.

Aurora filled her plate to the brim, with sweet pastries, as well as various different cooked eggs. It all looked so fancy, everything in the Capitol did. She was almost afraid to ruin the pretty display, but her empty stomach tempted her. The table was quiet, the only person speaking was Elodie, discussing Capitol manners, a topic Aurora didn't seem too interested in listening to.

She sat down, beginning to take small bites of the food on her plate. With each bite, her taste buds had exploded with flavor. The cuisine was probably the only thing she had managed to miss from the Capitol. A fourth of her plate was already consumed by the time Finnick had managed to saunter into the room.

"Morning everyone," Finnick announced, his voice sounding tired. He didn't sound like he'd gotten enough sleep last night, concerning Aurora. Everyone replied with the same enthusiasm as him, whilst Aurora was too busy scarfing down the food in front of her.

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