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I suddenly had the (dumb) idea to write Hels and EX angst so here it is!

⚠TW⚠: Suicide Attempt

"-and don't try to kill anyone!" Xisuma said sharply.

Xayvia sighed as his brother walked out the door before sinking down on his bed. Ever since Season 8 it's been, "Evil X, don't do this," or, "Evil X don't do that," or, "Evil X, you touch my stuff one more time and I'm going to slit your throat in half."


"Piece of shit."

"Empty air."

"Wasting oxygen."

He laid there, thoughts swirling around in his head like a hurricane.

The evil twin ran his fingers through his tangled hair. White and reaching all the way down to one feet and a little bit more, it was a mirror opposite of Xisuma's straight, black, shoulder-length hair.


Sweet, caring, beautiful X that can make even the coldest of hearts melt.

Him on the other hand?

He can only strike fear in the most emotionless of people.

These bitter thoughts followed Xayvia as he flew through the air, past the G Train, past the Big-Eyed Trio, into the Nether, past Gemini's deer, and to a cliff at the edge of the island. The sun was half-gone, casting a blood-red ray upon his face.

The waves below churned dangerously and hit the sides of the cliff. Debris spewed up and over, cutting into him, smashing his helmet into smitherings, slashing at his cheek, drawing blood. He took off his helmet and hurled it off the cliff in disgust. After he had cracked and killed most of Hermitcraft, no one had looked at him normally. It was an accident and they respawned, but Xisuma had been pissed. He had been banned to the void for the rest of Season Six, and now he was back in Season Eight.

Xayvia almost wished he had died in the void. It would have been better.

Step by step, second by second, he moved closer to the ledge of the cliff. He looked at the menacing waves beneath him, red visor no longer clouding his view.

"I'm a coward, aren't I?" Xayvia whispered to himself.

A hand clamped down on his mouth.

"Don't you fucking dare call yourself that again."

Looking up, red eyes met orange, and then realization struck him.

"He's back."


Tears welled up in Xayvia's eyes.

Hels, Hels, Hels, Hels...

"I thought you left me..."

"Oh, baby girl, why would I ever do that?"

They swayed back and forth, all bitter thoughts forgotten.

Hels gently kissed Xayvia on the lips, calming the cottonfur. It tasted like caramel.

Just like he remembered it.

As the light finally dipped under the horizon, the two broke apart. They needed no words.




And all of a sudden, the whispers stopped. But Xay's mind was still whispering, this time with questions.

"Questions are always good, Zay."


Hels wheezed.

As the night dragged on, the two sat on the cliff's edge. Hels was back, the whispers had gone, the waves have stopped. All that was left were the questions about the future.

"Well, seems like I don't need to worry about anything."

"Of course! Just shut up and enjoy the sunset."

And that's exactly what they did.


wc: 534

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