Laser Tag (Part 1/2)

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Ring, ring, ring

Students stumbled and cursed their way out of the cramped classroom, each struggling to shove their way out and into the open hallway. Etho let himself be jostled and pushed with the incoming crowd. He held fast to the strap of his backpack, eyes squeezed shut.

Moments later, he found himself miraculously outside. A tense breath escaped from between his lips. Why the authorities placed forty-three students in one class, he did not know; it was stupid. How was he supposed to concentrate? Idiots blowing spitballs all around in every direction; girls chattering with their friends, not paying attention to the teacher; boys catcalling the other students- some having silent mental breakdowns. With all the chaos, Etho could hardly hear the teacher. Did she say alleles or a seal? Bacteria? Malaria's from where? What caused the Justinian Plague? The core of magic is what? How are hybrids made? The confusion made him lose his mind, over, and over, and over. Every, single, day.

A bump from behind jolted him back to reality; he had hit someone, and that someone didn't look too happy.

"Hey! Watch it you jerk!"

The other shoved Etho so hard that he slammed into the lockers on the other side of the hall. He caught himself but winced at the impact vibrating through his elbows. A whimper escaped involuntarily from his mouth. After making sure that they were gone, he pushed himself away from the wall and joined the madding crowd, heading for the doors to freedom. Out he stepped into the bleak shine of December's afternoon sun, choking on the fresh air; such was a polar opposite of the stuffy, stale air of the schoolrooms that he had trouble adjusting after more than eight hours in that hellhole. Wishing that he had brought his phone to school, Etho slowly made his way onto the cement pavement of the sidewalk.

"A million miles from home," he thought, "cheers, I guess."

He made a detour to a small yet cozy coffee shop. The door opened and he was greeted with the warm scent of baked pastries.

"Hiya Etho! School's bustin' you up again?"

"Know me too well, Falsie," he replied in his gentle whisper of a voice, further muffled by his trademark black mask that stretched the length of his neck. False offered the fox hybrid a sly smile, before shooting her mouth off again.

"Didya hear the news? Prom's next week!"

If Etho didn't have his mask on, he would have stuck his tongue out.

"Bleh! Why not just a graduation ceremony?"

False shrugged her shoulders and hummed something in her throat.

"Americans, you know them too well. Over the top as always- sometimes it makes me want to go back to Great Britain."

"Makes me want to go back to Canada," Etho smart-mouthed. False laughed at his futile attempt at scorn.

"Anyways, Ethozaniac, don't stand there looking like a stuffed pufferfish, throw an apron on and help me get these pastries out the oven! Rush hour's in ten-"

Etho's eyes shot open.


"Oh shit-"

Etho blushed under his mask, tail slightly drooping. He quickly hurried to the counter back, ditched his backpack and flak jacket, tossed on an olive green apron, and rushed to the backrooms. Eyeing the security arctic fox False dotingly called "Side Kit," he hesitantly slipped on a pair of mitts and took a smoking pan of muffins out of the oven.

"Hi! Welcome to Pesky Fox Cafe, what would you-"

He didn't want to waste time tapping into False's banter. The muffins had to be restocked; besides, Side Kit was giving him the stink eye.

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