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The stupidly long oneshot that y'all have been unknowingly waiting for these past 2 months! Enjoy!

⚠TW: Gore & Death⚠



Kiingtong looked over his shoulder.

"No one. Good."

Quickly, he searched through his double chests until-


And out he dashed through the front door.

Twirling a knife between his fingers made him feel like he was back in high school. Back with his beloved, laughing with forgotten friends, and killing anyone and everyone that got in his way.

Somehow, no one found out that he was responsible for the murders.

"And quite perfect too," a little voice in the back of his head whispered.

But, that itself took a toll on him. There were still some things that he regularly had nightmares about.

"Not my fault, not my fault," Kiingtong repeated to himself.

Not my fault.

He was the imposter in the sea of innocents.

He was the plague of the century.

He was the one always playing victim.

But, can one really blame him?



A scream of anguish wrenched every heart that heard.

Doors burst open; people gathered around the noise.

Oh, the sight wasn't for the faint of heart.

Blood, shockingly scarlet blood was splattered on every surface available.

And in the middle of the scene, was Shelby, clutching the severed head of her dog. The body was completely maimed, merciless gashes all over, coat torn and bloodied.

Graser felt as if all the air had been knocked out of his chest. Shelby's dog was her most prized possession. How would she fare without it?

Just as his mind whirled off, Shelby swiveled her tear-soaked face towards him.

"W-Who- Just w-hic-who would do such a-an awf-hic-awful thing?"

Her voice was chewed off and harsh, as if she had swallowed a bucket of nails.

Graser backed off, unwilling to upset Shelby further.


Shelby's inhuman snarl startled Graser.

"I-I have no idea-"

"Was it you then?"

The accusation furthermore surprised Graser.

"Why would it be me?"

"Oh, I don't know," Shelby spat, sarcasm dripping in her voice.

Graser looked affronted.

"Of course it wasn't!"

"Was too!"

"Was not!"

And hidden behind a wall spying on them was Joel and Pearl.

"They're acting like children," Pearl muttered.

Joel shot her a look that clearly said "Shut up."

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