Alton Towers

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"Mumbo, I'm bored! Can we go the Alton Towers? Pleaaaaase?"

Grian pulled on Mumbo's arm, trying to drag him to the garage.

Iskall leaned against a wall, amused at the scene unfolding before him.

"When are those two gonna hurry up and start dating?" he sighed.

Then another thought.

"Alton Towers is pretty fun. Maybe if I ask, Mumbo will say yes. I know he can't say no to me."

Meanwhile, Grian was still tugging at Mumbo's sleeve, trying fruitlessly to convince him to take the trio to Alton Towers.

"C'mon! I heard that they just opened an insane new roller coaster called The Smiler! Pleaaaaaase?"

That's when Iskall decided to make his move.

"Yeah Mumbo! Gri's right, you should take us to Alton Towers. I've been there before with Stress and it's amazing."

Mumbo gave Iskall a look that clearly said, "Not You Too!" then sighed.


Grian and Iskall cheered and ran to the garage where The Blue Van was parked.

This was going to be a eventful day.

~10 Minutes Later~


Iskall was draggint a terrified Grian towards The Smiler as Mumbo looked onwards.

"Oh how the tables have turned," he thought, amused.

"Come on G! You said it yourself: The Smiler's insane!" Iskall argued.


The swede sighed, then decided to play his last card.

"How about this. You go on The Smiler, I force Mumbo to buy candy for you."

Grian stopped squirming.


"As much candy as you want."

The strawberry-blonde gremlin's eyes started to sparkle with mischeif.

"Last one in line is an rotten egg!"

"Hey! No Fair!"

The two bounded away, leaving Mumbo alone.

But he didn't know.

The poor bloke was fast asleep.

~One Very Long Wait Later~


As Iskall and Grian were strapping themselves in, Grian said, "Let's bet who screams the loudest!"

Iskall raised an eyebrow.

"It's definitely going to be you, no questions asked."

The brit gave his friend an offended look.

"Why me?"

"Remember how you, George, and Kiing had a screaming contest and you won?"

Grian's cheeks flushed red with embarrasment.

"Forget it," he muttered under his breath.

At that very moment, the operator spoke into the microphone.

"Welcome to The Smiler! For your safety, please keep hands, feet, and arms inside the vehicles at all times. Secure all loose items to you, or put them into the boxes provided before the ride. Stay safe, and have fun riding The Smiler!"

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