Candle Queen

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A.N: Yes, this was from 5 years ago, yes I am up at 9 writing for the sake of Satan

TW: Slight gore


"N-No! I'm not-"

Ever since she was a child

"Oh, really?"

She always knew how to get her way

"Y-Yes, please..."

Just act a little bit wild

She hummed, as if deep in thought.

And someone will surely come to play

"Avada Kedavra!"

The unfortunate victim crumpled into a heap. Niki got up and dusted herself off.

It's a truth she took to heart

She stood straight, and looked at the horrified crowd.

But humility and patience didn't come with age

"Who's next?" she asked, casually kicking the corpse aside.

She's born to play this part

Everyone scrambled for the door, scared of the demonic little girl in front of them.

A diva's always center stage

Niki picked up the chess board, and threw it at nothing in particular; the flying piece of rosewood collided with someone's head, cracking their skull in half.

Toddler's cries that grow louder and louder

She was a sore loser, everyone knew that.

Relishing in untestable power

Not the first time something like this has happened.

"Ha! Beat you!"

Glowing red in a black and white scene

Niki hadn't meant to set her friend on fire.

Stoking the flames that burn higher and higher

But it was beautiful.

Royalty with a crown of fire

Everything burning down. Red embers floating in the sky. Niki wished it would stay like this forever.

Setting ablaze an extravagant scene

Fire sirens blared. Ambulances wailed. But she didn't care.

The one and only candle queen

Niki, the candle queen.

She liked that title.

As time dragged on, more and more people were set ablaze in a series of chess game accidents.

No one suspected that the sweet, darling girl next door was the murderer.

~Flashback Ends~

"Addicted to adrenaline" Everyone muttered.

"And always looking for attention"

"Thought to be so genuine" Niki smiled to herself.

When she's suddenly met with apprehension


"This is my school, and I'm not letting a petty little newbie like you take over."

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