Football? More Like Susball-

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'Fore we start, big shout-out to @NinjaKitty1928 (a.k.a, Storm [sorry for ping btw]) for letting me put a twist in her story (OG could be found in Storm's chat)

Now let the chaos begin!


"So, what sport is the worst, then, Martyn-"

The Hermits and Dream SMPers had all gathered at Skeppy and Bad's mansion for a little hangout, but it ended up being a whole Lincoln-Douglas-style debate on which sport was the best.

"Y'know, I never did like football growing up. I can't see why everyone is so hyped up about the Super Bowl," Martyn muttered.

Oh, and to mention, it was also the day of the Super Bowl.

The Brit went on ranting.

"It's a weird sport. And the ball isn't even ball-shaped."

Wels turned from where he was making chili and shot Martyn a dirty look.

"Excuse me, football might as well be one of the most important sports ever invented."

"That's easy for the Americans to say," Martyn countered.

Behind them, SapNap made his input.

"I'm gonna have to side with Martyn on this one, Wels. Football is overrated, soccer is much better. At least the ball is ball-shaped."


SapNap and Martyn wheezed. Latter decided to poke fun at Wels' ego.

"I mean, it's quite pointless to be honest. Just a bunch of men touching each other... for a ball... like... bunch of muscular men running around, and oh god-"

Now Wels, Scar, and Sapnap were wheezing, with Martyn fumbling to find the right words to negate his own.

"S- So like a bunch of men in skin-tight uniforms running around tackling one another f- for a b-"


Martyn had turned a violent shade of crimson and the others, hearing Martyn's outburst, gathered to see what was happening.

"I mean, they're hot I guess. But not my type."


"Hey, Martyn, Ren's in the restroom. Why don't you go join him?"

Named dog-hybrid sauntered in, making the situation even more taut. Martyn looked as if he was about to die.

"Who said I was in the restroom?"

Uh oh.

"Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha..."

"Hey y'all! I got the stove to start working again!" Joe called from outside the house.

Martyn took this as a lifeline being thrown and lit out there quicker than Fruitberries in TGTTOSAWAF, leaving the rest looking onwards, still slightly red from laughing.

"Iconic ass," Wels muttered, still doubled up from his wheezing fit.

"One more time and my severed dick is going under your pillow," Martyn shouted back from outside.

Now it was Wels' turn to be embarrassed.

The others just burst out laughing again.


Word Count: 411

Three updates after a month of inactivity! Wow, what the fuck happened to consist updates MutIE-


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