Written On A Whim

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My sister wrote a oneshot in her journal and asked me to publish it on Wattpad so here it is! :DDDDD

"All is well, innit Tubbo?"

Tubbo hummed, unsure of what to say. On one hand, he wanted Tommy to be happy.

But on the other hand, he had to be realistic, right?

"Maybe, but we'll never know fore sure until we see it fore ourselves," Tubbo replied, choosing his words carefully.

Tommy nodded in agreement.

"You're right, so let's just enjoy today! No war, whatcha think of that?"

"No bombs or fireworks!" Tubbo chirped happily.

"Right! So why should we fret? C'mon, race you to the bench!"

In a dash, Tommy was gone.

"Hey! No fair!"

Tubbo ran after his friend, his bee army not very far behind him.

They spent the rest of the day laughing and playing with each other.

Today was a good day.

So why should it be wasted on worrying about other stuff?

wc: 125

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