An Important Note

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To all who have reached this, thank you so much for suffering through my horrible writing. I swear to god, 2024 Mutie writing is not the same as 2020. 

Recently, although Hermitpad is pretty much dead, something serious has been brought to my attention. 

As many of you may know, William Gold (also known as Wilbur Soot online) has been exposed as a sexual offender (if y'all want to know the details, there's quite a lot of videos of the entire timeline on YouTube). 

Some of my writing features Wilbur Soot, but that does not mean I approve of ANYTHING he did, nor do I remotely respect him in any way. He is a downright terrible person and deserves to rot in Hell. 


I fought with myself for quite a long time internally about what to do, and I've decided to keep all my writing the way it is. It is not out of respect for Wilbur, but for the character that he portrayed in Dream SMP. The persona that he plays is completely different from the person that he is in real life. 

They are separate entities.

For those who are new, my oneshot book was completed back in March of 2023, WAYYY before the entire Wilbur thing came into light. I was horrified to find out that such a vile person would ever be featured in my works, but as I said before, the Wilbur in my writing is not the same person that abused their significant others in real life.

I understand those who are angry with my decisions, and I'm always open to constructive criticism. However, I also hope that you will respect the choice that I've made, as I know everybody is coping with this in their own ways.

As always, stay safe and remember to drink water.

-Mutie5793 <3

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