M. Lafayette

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As Lafayette slept on a white padded rocking chair inside his and Joseph Mulligan's room, Joseph, better known as "Jojo" got out of Lafayette's bed, walked over to Lafayette, and tapped him on the knee.

"Mommy," he whispered, leaning his head closer to Lafayette's legs. "Wake up."

Lafayette woke up, but not in the sense that he got up or showed any indication of his wakefulness. He continued to snore hoping Jojo might give up and go back to sleep. Although, from past experiences, he knew this dream would not come true.

Jojo moved to Lafayette's side and grabbed Lafayette's knee with one hand and the armrest of the rocking chair with the other, attempting to hoist himself onto Lafayette. Lafayette, immediately concerned Jojo might fall, "awoke" with a jolt and wrapped his arms around Jojo, carrying him as he rose to his feet. Jojo threw his much smaller arms around Lafayette's neck and hugged him. The veil of exhaustion broke a little as Lafayette smiled and rested his head against Jojo's.

"You know," Lafayette said. "It's your birthday today."

"Yeah, it's my birthday."

Lafayette pulled away from Jojo, setting him down on a chair at his small dining table by his kitchen. He stared at Jojo with his brows pulled together. "Wait, do not tell me. Is it your birthday today?"

Jojo nodded with a smile. He put a hand up and pressed it flat against his chest. "It's my birthday today."

"Are you sure?"


Lafayette moved into his kitchen still facing Jojo. "That is so wonderful, mon chou. How old are you turning?"

Jojo held out two fingers. "I'm two!"

Lafayette shook his head, "Non."

"Oui," Jojo said, a determined glare directed at Lafayette.

Lafayette began to fry eggs for both of them still shaking his head as he flipped the first egg. "Non, you were two years old yesterday, now, because it's your birthday, you have gotten older. Now, you are three."

"I'm three."

"Oui. Now, as your first day as a three-year-old, what do you wish for?"

"Mommy, who is that?"

Lafayette placed the last egg on a plate, then turned to look at Jojo, who pointed at their large window by the entrance. "Who is..." When he faced the window, he was greeted with a face. The face belonged to a man that shared a majority of his facial features and body type with Laurens. However, his hair was darker, with tighter curls, darker skin, and blue eyes. Bright blue eyes, like they knew how dazzling they were and decided to call even more attention as if they feared being seen as less fantastic than they were. Then, he smiled. And of course, his smile was just as mind-blowingly beautiful as his eyes.

Lafayette sprinted three feet to Jojo and picked him up. While the man in the window kept his eyes locked on Lafayette, Lafayette ran to another room out of view of Mr. Blue Eyes and grabbed his loaded pistol. He set Jojo in their shared room.

"Stay here, mon coco," he said, grabbing Jojo's face in his hands and kissing him on the forehead. "Stay here and do not come out until I come back no matter what happens. Understand?"

Jojo gave a nod, his hands finding each other behind his back. Lafayette returned the nod, then walked out of the room and closed the door, turning a key inside to hear the click of the lock.

He knew the man at the window would most likely still be there, so all he had to do was confront him. For him, this was no problem. Especially when he knew Jojo was safe in his room. At least, for now. He straightened his posture, rolled his shoulders back with his pistol stuck in the back of his breeches, then strode to the front entrance, not bothering to peer into the window, and opened the door.

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