A. Hamilton

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Winter. Valley Forge. Lafayette and Mulligan's tent.  

"You must tell him, Hercules."  

"What do you expect me to do?" 

"Knock some sense into him, obviously. In fact, a punch could go a long way for what he's doing to Laurens." 

"I'm not gonna punch Hamilton." 

"Why not? It might be good for him." 

"Good, how?" 

"For one, you'll get a hold of his attention pretty quickly. And two, this is a serious situation, non? So, Laurens is in pain, but he says he's fine now, and Hamilton is clueless because he's an idiot so, ultimately, what's so bad about a little payback for Laurens?" 


"Wow, what?" 

"I'm just surprised you think that's a good enough justification." 

"Are you going to tell me after all that has happened, you don't want to punch Hamilton just a little?" 


"Not even that hard, but just enough to make him realize what an idiot he is. I mean, come on, mon ami... Hamilton won't listen to reason unless it punches him in the face." 

"Now, you've made a good point." 

"Thank you." 

"You're welcome, sweetheart." 

"Please shut up, you broken twig." 

"That's too far, Laf. You know I have self-image issues." 


"Silent treatment?" 

"No, dirt-beneath-my-feet, I'm not giving you the silent treatment; Hamilton is coming." 

"Alright, I'll go then. You remember where to send him?" 

"Of course, I do. I'm not you, Hercules. Now, get out of here before he sees you." 

"Yes, ma'am." 

Lafayette peeked out of the tent's opening to see snow falling, and Alexander walking to his shared tent with Laurens (The arrangements were chosen by George Washington).

Lafayette pulled his coat tight around his body, then left his source of lasting warmth to enter hell. Which was, ironically, not hot. Lafayette threw his arms in the air to wave Alexander down. Alexander had a stoic expression on his face until Lafayette came into his sights. A toothy grin formed.  

"Laf! How are you?" Alexander directed his steps toward Lafayette, and as soon as he could, he enveloped Lafayette in a hug.  

Lafayette draped his arms around Alexander's shoulders and squeezed. He loved affection shared between him and Alexander, but business was business. "I'm wonderful, Xander. How are you?" 

Alexander raised a brow. "Xander? Well, as long as you're the only one who calls me that, I'm okay with it. And I'm good. My limbs are about to freeze and then snap off my body, but other than that, I'm good." 

Lafayette giggled, and Alexander continued the futile conversation. Although, it's not like he thought it was futile or anything, but Lafayette needed this to move on. Alexander went on and on about the cold, and when would the next battle start, and where's Laurens, and when are you and Herc leaving, and so many boring things Lafayette's head almost exploded.

Lafayette shoved a hand in front of Alexander's face, causing the human form of an essay to go taciturn. "Ah, that's better." 

Alexander rolled his eyes. "If you wanted me to stop talking, you could have said something earlier." 

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