A. Burr

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Alexander Hamilton. 

He drank champagne by the bar as the crowd slowly withered down and departed to return home. Burr held his drink between two hands and leaned against a threshold. He wasn't sure why he only watched Alexander. He would have approached him sooner, but he saw a familiar trio dive into the drunken waters where Alexander swam.  

The occasion was happy. Burr was happy. Everyone was happy.  

The overwhelming smiles and laughter coming from the three, now four, toppled Burr's focus. When his eyes finally drifted from Alexander, he looked to the faces of the other men. Lafayette, a man who clearly did not like him, but can only be held in high regard for his dedication to the cause and refusal to let others, or himself, be pushed around. Mulligan, a less rambunctious sort, but just as crude as Lafayette, and still respectable man because Burr could never imagine this man without his bravery and heart. And lastly, Laurens. While Burr might wish he could think poorly of him, the idea is simply impossible. Laurens is selfless and Laurens is a fighter. Like the rest of them, he will never be knocked down. No matter how much you think you have beaten them, you will always find your end on the losing side.  

Burr never expected to let himself think well of these men. He seldom puts anyone else above his standing, but some people refuse to let you think of them as lesser. Although, he could never let them know of his true feelings for them. 

But Alexander was a different story.  

To prove this, Burr began to approach the dancing idiots, and the only one to acknowledge his presence was Alexander. 

"Well, if it isn't Aaron Burr," Alexander said. His smile was lazy but true as he shrank the space between them.  

Burr smiled back and dipped his head while his hands still clutched his drink.  "Sir." 

"I didn't think that you would make it." Alexander placed a hand on Burr's shoulder. 

"To be sure," Burr heard his name uttered by Lafayette, Mulligan, and Laurens, but opted to ignore them. "I came to say congratulations." 

Mulligan waved his arms in the air, "Spit a verse, Burr!" 

Burr raised his brows and looked to the three, "I see the whole gang is here." 

"You are the worst, Burr." Lafayette spun around and found his way back to Laurens, who hadn't moved to greet Burr yet.  

Alexander rolled his eyes at Lafayette, but a smile still graced his features. 

"Ignore them. Congrats to you. I've heard you're a lieutenant colonel, now." Alexander circled Burr. "I wish I had your command, instead of manning George's journal." 

Burr kept his eyes trained on Alexander. "No, you don't."  

Alexander raised a brow. "Yes, I do." 

"Now, be sensible," Burr placed a hand on the back of Alexander's head. "From what I hear, you've made yourself indispensable."  

Burr wasn't ready from the hand that appeared on his shoulder, so he pulled away from Alexander. The hand belonged to Laurens, who said, "Well, I heard you've got a special someone on the side, Burr."   

Alexander's swiped Laurens' arm and said, "Is that so?" 

Laurens' face only got closer and closer to Burr's as he said this, and Burr dropped his head to escape from the smell of alcohol and truth. 

Laurens was unrelenting. "What're you trying to hide, Burr?" 

Out of nowhere, Mulligan appeared behind Burr, unaware of the situation, and dancing nonetheless.  

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