J. Laurens

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Laurens and Alexander walked a quarter-mile outside the camp, behind two small hills, and between two large Pine trees. They arrived to duel with Lee, but he was not there. Instead, they saw Lafayette.

Laurens stepped closer to Lafayette creating a soft crunch with every footfall on packed snow. Lafayette turned around and greeted Laurens and Alexander with a smile. But it was not just a smile. Lafayette held his hands close to his chest and stood on the balls of his feet. To Laurens, it felt like every other time Lafayette had some random news to share, that generally excited him much more than anyone else. However, Laurens was always delighted to see Lafayette's enthusiasm, so he never complained. Then again, this time he was sure he had something more interesting to tell Lafayette.  

"Laurens, Xander-" Laurens heard Alexander groan behind him. Lafayette also noticed this but continued nonetheless. "I have the most wonderful news to tell you, and you'll never believe it." 

Laurens and Alexander stood in front of Lafayette, both illustrating anticipation on their faces.  

"Go ahead, tell-" 

Lafayette left no opening for Laurens to finish his sentence before he blurted, "Hercules has gotten married!" 

Imagine two people pouring water into their mouths, about to swallow, and then someone steps on their stomach. The expression those two would exhibit was shared between Laurens and Alexander.  

Alexander began to speak, but Lafayette didn't care to let him. "Aaaaaaaand, Hercules and his wife, Elizabeth, have a newborn baby!" 

Now imagine those two people dying of shock. The expression those two would exhibit was also shared between Laurens and Alexander.  

"Isn't it wonderful? I cannot imagine this day getting any better." A smile slept on Lafayette's face, and he sighed. "So, what do you think?" 

Laurens glanced at Alexander with wide eyes, then turned back to Lafayette. "I can't believe Herc is married." 

Alexander laughed. "And after all the time he voiced his distaste against marriage. How ironic." 

Laurens nodded. "Especially with a baby too. A husband and a father in such a small amount of time. I guess I didn't realize he had been gone for that long." 

"Me either," Alexander said. "How old is the baby?" 

Lafayette shrugged. "I think he said a few weeks now. The baby was two months premature though. I can't imagine how small he must have looked in Hercules' arms." 

Both Laurens and Alexander asked the next question. "He?" 

Lafayette darted between both of their wide stares and dropped jaws. "Oui. Hercules and Elizabeth have a little boy. His name is Joseph. Joseph Mulligan." 

Laurens cocked his head. "Hey, isn't Joseph one of your names?" 

Lafayette rolled his eyes. "Oui and I brought that up to Hercules, but of course he denied me being his child's inspiration. Such a silly thing to lie about. You would think Hercules would know me better than to believe a falsehood like that. Little Jojo will be my clone, and there is nothing anyone can do about it." 

Alexander stifled a laugh. "Jojo? You've given him a nickname already?" 

Laurens chimed in, also doing his best to cover his amusement. "What did Herc say about that?" 

Lafayette scoffed and shook his head. "It doesn't matter what he says because that is Jojo's name, and it always will be. I have decided it, and I never turn back on my word. Besides, Hercules has not responded to my letter yet." 

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