Lafayette's home was comfortable. Although, for Reem, today was not one of those days. He had just met Alexander Hamilton, Laurens' boyfriend, for the first time, which was good. Paragraph, who Reem sat next to at the time, liked Alexander almost immediately. Reem was as surprised as everyone else in the house. Although, Alexander didn't seem surprised, which made Paragraph like him more.

Anyway, this isn't why Reem was uncomfortable.

It was morning time, the sun had just risen, and Lafayette, Hercules, and Jojo were cooking together. Laurens and Alexander were outside, which made everyone feel better because there was clearly some awkwardness between the two, but no one knew why. However, the other two that came with them were Eliza and Maria Reynolds. Reem liked them too. Also, not the reason he felt like standing up and sprinting around the house for however long it would take him to die.

But when Eliza and Maria, who sat on the sofa across from Paragraph and Reem, kissed, Reem felt very uncomfortable. Paragraph assumed his reasoning and nudged him, glaring a crater into Reem's head.

"What?" Reem said, moving as far away from Paragraph as the three-person sofa allowed.

Paragraph grunted. "Do you have a problem with their relationship, Reem?"

Reem's eyes widened then he waved his hands in front of him. "Oi, come on, kid. Of course, I've got no problem. I've just got things on my mind, is all."

Paragraph rolled his eyes. "Let me guess, you want someone to ask you about it so you can ramble on forever about your problems."

Reem got closer to Paragraph again, then pushed his bottom lip out. "Aw, you really wanna hear about it?"

Paragraph placed his hands on Reem's shoulders, then pushed him away and stood up. "You're disgusting," he said, then he turned around but he didn't move. "I'll get Hercules for you."

Reem laughed to himself as he watched Paragraph walk up to Hercules, who was showing Jojo how to mix pancake batter and tap him on the shoulder. He whispered something to Hercules, then replaced Hercules' role and began to prepare breakfast with Jojo. Reem planned to tease Paragraph later for the smile he had on his face. Paragraph would probably punch him for it, but it would be worth it.

Hercules strutted over to Reem with an eyebrow raised and his hands on his hips. He didn't have to say anything for Reem to understand his question.

Reem patted the empty seat next to him and Hercules sat. "Well, I dunno what the kid told ya, but I got some thoughts runnin' through the old brain 'ere, and I don't know what to do."

"Uh-huh," Hercules mumbled, crossing his arms. "Yeah, just say what you want to say, Reem."

Reem groaned. "Fine, I'm lonely and I want someone to love."

Hercules did not react, at least not through face or body language, instead standing up and walking over to Lafayette. He whispered something and immediately Lafayette ran over. Hercules waved at Eliza and Maria to get their attention. "Hey, you two finish cooking. Laf and Reem and me are taking a walk."

Eliza and Maria offered a thumbs up, then strolled into the kitchen. Reem stood up and followed Lafayette and Hercules out the door and onto the streets toward town. Lafayette found a bench, then guided the others to it. Reem was not allowed to sit, so he stood in front of the others.

Lafayette waved a hand in the air. "Go ahead, mon ami. Speak your mind."

Reem felt uncomfortable. "Well, you guys see how everyone here's got some pairing. Someone that they can go to with anything and just have to be with them all the time." He gestured to Hercules. "You've got Jojo." He gestured to Lafayette. "I mean, you don't have someone set, but you fit so well with everyone it barely seems like you don't." He put his hand at his side. "But I don't have that. I guess it's a little hard watching everyone be all lovey-dovey and cute and I haven't had that since I was a kid. I mean, what d'you two think?"

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