A. Hamilton

130 2 44

The Battle of Yorktown was won. Lafayette was back in France, and Laurens was in South Carolina. Alexander was back at his home with Eliza. Alexander and Eliza talked every day about Laurens, about Eliza, and about everything going on in their hometown. They tried to prepare themselves for whatever situation came their way, good and bad. Although, mostly bad. All of these scenarios were discussed upstate by the lake at Philip Schuyler's home. Not only between Eliza and Alexander but Angelica and Peggy as well.

. . .

"Angelica, Peggy, Alexander and I need to tell you something."

Eliza held Alexander's hand. The sun rose behind them and across the lake where the four stood. Angelica and Peggy faced the sun, the lake, and Alexander and Eliza. Peggy, more than anyone, loved drama. Especially when it came to Eliza, the best, and least wicked of the three sisters. She knew Eliza would fall into some kind of trouble the second Eliza married Alexander. Angelica, however, was only curious. She and Peggy waited for the next words to come out of Eliza's mouth.

"I should tell it," Alexander said, receiving a nod from Eliza.

Angelica and Peggy waited for the next words to come out of Alexander's mouth.

"It all started when I was nineteen-"

Eliza swiftly smacked Alexander on the back of his head. "That will take way too long. You're horrible at summarizing."

Alexander rubbed the back of his head but shrugged. "You're right. You should tell it."

Angelica and Peggy waited for the next words to come out of Eliza's mouth.

Eliza continued to hold Alexander's hand in hers as she did her best to summarize their current situation. "To put it simply, Alexander is in love with John Laurens, but because their relationship is illegal, Alexander and I are going to stay married to protect him from ever being found out as he pursues a relationship with Laurens. Also, Alexander and I are still going to live together, until Alexander finds a way to be with Laurens safely."

Angelica was shocked. Peggy just kissed her teeth and shrugged.

"Oh, Xander," Peggy said, sighing for a very long time. "You just had to have the dick, didn't you?"

Eliza looked like she had choked, and Alexander looked like he was laughing. Most likely because he was.

He smirked. "Well, it's Laurens we're talking about. Are you surprised?"

Peggy giggled. "You have a point there."

Angelica still hadn't said a word. Peggy nudged her. "Hey, you gonna say something?"

Angelica blinked, then tried to find the right words. "Wow, I... don't know what to say. Congratulations?"

Eliza and Alexander's eyebrows raised. They couldn't keep the humored smiles off their faces.

"Thank you, Angelica," Alexander said.

Eliza bit her lip to stop from laughing. "Yeah, we have come a long way, but we're proud to say we've made it this far. Thank you for all of your support, really."

Angelica glared at them. "I take it back."

Eliza pouted. "Why? We're so thankful though. We love you, don't worry about it."

Peggy joined in. "Come on, Angie, don't be sad. Some of us are better at thinking than others, and it's okay to be on the lesser side."

Angelica rolled her eyes. "Well, I did mean it anyway. That's more than you can say, Peggy. Besides we have more important things to talk about. Eliza," Angelica caught Eliza's attention. "What do you two plan on doing when you fall in love with someone else, and want to get remarried?"

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