015. - she found out

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Alina needed to protect Ravenna from Aleksander

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Alina needed to protect Ravenna from Aleksander.

After Baghra knocked Nadia out and told her the truth, Alina sprung into action to search for Ravenna. She had been searching for Ravenna all over the Winter Fete but found no trace of her. It was only until she saw Aleksander walking down the hallway when she realized that her best friend might have been in his room.

Sprinting through the hallway inconspicuously, Alina reached his door and opened it, finding Ravenna sitting on the table, reading a book, looking a bit disheveled.

"Alina?" Ravenna asked. "Where's Nadia?"

"We need to get out of here," Alina said, grabbing Ravenna's wrist and pulling her away from the room. They need to hide and find transportation out of there fast.

Ravenna was confused but didn't really say anything whilst Alina dragged her away. She didn't wanted to create a commotion in front of everyone. Some people watched as the sun summoner dragged Ravenna away who just smiled at them, signaling that everything was fine.

Once they reached the courtyard and out of people's prying eyes, Ravenna wrenched her wrist away from Alina's grip.

"What the hell, Alina!" Ravenna exclaimed. "What are you doing? You can't be out here."

"We need to leave," Alina said as she moved to grip Ravenna again but she just moved away.

"What do you mean we need to leave?" Ravenna asked in disbelief. "Alina, Aleksander and I didn't just make an intricate plan to keep you safe, only for you to walk around without security."

"That's the thing, Ravenna. We need to escape from Aleksander, he's evil."

"What are you spouting about?" Ravenna crossed her arms above her chest, not understanding what Alina was saying.

Alina glanced at the sky in frustration, "Aleksander has been keeping secrets from you, he was the Black-"

"Hold up. Aleksander never kept secrets from me," Ravenna cut her off. "We made a promise."

Alina looked at Ravenna in disbelief, is that what she was only focusing on.

"Promise this, promise that. He kept on breaking so many of his promises, Ravenna. Do you really think that he kept this one?" Alina said in frustration. From her tone, Ravenna could tell that Alina was close to her breaking point. "He kept plenty of secrets from you. You don't know when he and I went for a horse ride, you don't know that we met often to chat, and you don't even know that we kissed this afternoon, or else you will strangle me right now."

"Wait, you guys kissed?" Ravenna asked, her voice broke.

"It's more like I kissed him," Alina said guiltily. "But still he should've told you."

Ravenna stared at Alina in pure disbelief, "What the hell, Alina?! You know that I like him even though he's a power-hungry asshole, and you KISSED HIM? You are my best friend, Alina, HOW COULD YOU!"

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