019. - don't side with him

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Alina hated Aleksander

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Alina hated Aleksander.

She was being held down by Ivan while David held the stag antlers, she tried searching for Ravenna and Mal but Aleksander didn't let her. She hoped that Ravenna would be with Mal and not locked up somewhere. She should've just left Ravenna alone in the little palace if the outcome was like this, but if she did, Ravenna wouldn't know about the true colors of the General.

"I didn't kill the stag. It's not my amplifier. He killed it. He gets its power," Alina stated as she tried to break away from Ivan's grip.

"You asked for this yourself, when we met," Aleksander said as he turned around to meet her eyes and walked towards her. "To transfer your gift to someone who could use it."

"I can use it now," Alina hissed. She stared at him with disgust and rage.

"You know so little. You'll learn," Aleksander was so smug. He finally caught the sun summoner and killed the stag. His plan in expanding the fold was going faster than he expected.

"I know things. General Kirigan is it? Or is Aleksander a fake name, too?" Alina taunted. "Don't worry, I already told Ravenna everything about you. She hates you."

"Careful with your words, Alina," he spat out. Alina has successfully pushed all the right buttons by bringing up Ravenna. "Consider whose life is in your hands."

Alina looked at him in shock, "You said you'd let him go."

"I said I would heal him. What happens next is up to you."

"Nothing is up to me! If you harm even a single piece of his hair, I can assure you that it would be Ravenna you have to deal with, not me," Alina threatened. She knew how much Ravenna cared for Mal and was certain that Venna must have threatened Aleksander in some way to heal Mal.

Aleksander was getting ticked off, he sighed out and crouched down in front of her, "What makes you think that I won't hurt her?"

"You wouldn't, you love her," Alina said

"Like you love her? Yes. I knew everything about it." Aleksander chuckled evilly while Alina looked at him with wide eyes. "She betrayed me, Alina. She betrayed me the second she decided to listen to you rather than asking me for answers."

"I don't respond well to betrayal. So if you want her to be treated well, be a good girl and do what you were told," Aleksander stood up.

It hurt his heart to say those words about Ravenna, but he needed Alina's cooperation. 


Although Alina was uncomfortable riding the carriage with Ivan to the First Army base, she was glad that at least he was not giving her a judgmental stare like the first time. Ivan was trying to avoid any eye contact with Alina who kept on staring at him. He had hoped that she would look away. Even though the General was pissed at Ravenna, she was still scary. If she found out that the sun summoner was uncomfortable due to his action, she would definitely blow up on him.

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