Chapter 17 - Slip ups

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Peeta's POV:

It's the Easter holidays, so the group decided to go from Panem, all the way to Crete. We'll be spending a week there and then heading back to Panem for the other half of the break.

Currently, we're all in out rooms packing, and I can't think of anyone in our group who isn't overboard with excitement.

I'm nearly done when I hear the door squeak open. A rather giddy Katniss jumps onto my back and I can hear the joy in her voice.

"Peeta! I can't believe it. I'm actually going outside of Panem!" There's a beautiful glint in her eyes that is mesmerising. Oh how I just want to hold her and be the one to kiss her goodnight. "Peeta?" She knocks me out of my trance.

"Oh, right." I laugh. "It's brilliant isn't it! Especially now I have my best friend back and we get to spend more time together." Oops, that just came out.

She just blushed and smiles even more if that's possible and jumps off of my back. She spins me around and wrapped her arms around me in a suffocating hug. I'm not complaining though.

Katniss pulls away, smiles and then gets back to what I assume was packing.

I suddenly feel empty without her touch.

I shake my head and zip my suitacse up, then drag it down the stairs to see everyone ready to go to the airport.

~On the plane~

Katniss snuggles her head on my shoulder and drifts off to sleep after about three hours of laughing, talking and listening to songs together. She's so peaceful and beautiful in her sleep. Not that she's not beautiful all the time, because hear it from me, she's the most gorgeous person I have met in my whole life. And no-one will ever take that record away from her.

Her small smile quickly turns into a frown, and I'm not sure why. Did she read my thoughts?

"Dad?" She whispers. "Dad, what are you doing h- PRIM!"

Shit, she's having a nightmare.

I shake her gently an say her name loud enough for her to hear me. It doesn't work. I try for twenty more seconds and I feel like I've tried everything. But she is crying and whispering the names of her family members loudly. And then my name.

"Katniss, it's okay. I'm here." She starts to look more sad and says my name louder.

I hate seeing her like this. It breaks my heart. I get so distrssed by this that, withou thinking, I press my lips onto hers and she kisses back; still being asleep. I pull away and her eyes flutter open. 

"Hey Katniss, are you okay? I tried everything but I couldn't wake you up. I got so scared you'd have to stay like that for the whole flight." I lie. I can't tell her that I kissed her to wake her up. "What was it that woke you up?"

She blushes and looks down. "I, errrm, I dreamt that, urr, you were there and- ummm- we kind, err, kissed...?"

"Whatever wakes you up." I joke.  I'm trying to act cool but inside my stomch is twisting into knots. Does the blush mean she enjoyed it? Of course not, stop being so stupid Peeta. You're just best friends. Nothing more. She doesn't want that to change.

After that I fall asleep where my dreams are hectic and all over the place, just thinking of everything that happened.

When I wake up, I find that Katniss is fast asleep on my lap, and my arms are draped around her tiny waist. Being in this position gives me a hard on, so I grab my phone and look at the picture I saved to prevent things like this happening. It's a picture of a fat man's bum. It's revolting. Yet extremely handy for situations like this.

Katniss stirs and I lock my phone before she can see.

"Hi, sleepy." I whisper into her ear.

Katniss POV:

"Hi, sleepy." Peeta whispers into my ear in a sexy, husky morning voice. It sends shivers down spine.

"Hello, sexy." I mutter while rubbing my eyes. I turn to face him and he is bright red. "Sorry, I just woke up and I thought to myself that you have a really sexy morning voice." I turn pink as well.

"It's completely unserstandable. A lot of girls say that to me as well."  He laughs.

I playfully hit him in the chest and pretend to be hurt by his comment. I annouce that I have to pee and head towards the toilet, smiling at the thought of Peeta.

Urgh. Why do I have to like my best friend when it's obvious he doesn't want me as anything else. People tell me that he likes me, but why would he? He's super hot and handsome, very toned and the sweetest guy you'll ever meet.

I just keep on liking him more and more each and every single day.

oops they both slipped up.

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ily all. especially... you.

~ingrid x

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