Chapter 15 - Uh Oh

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Katniss' POV:

I ran down thye stairs, trying to act as casual as possible, instead of looking like I'm about to throw up my pancakes from this morning. The fact that they were Peeta's pancakes makes me want to sick up even more.

Gale seems to notice how unstable I appear and he guides me into another room.

"Catnip, what's up?" He inquires.

"The sky?" I try to make it sound like I'm clueless. I most likely failed.

"I know when you're lying, Kat." Dammit, he can see straight through me.

Keep it cool. "I actually have no clue what you're on about."

"I heard the little gasp you made earlier. What was that about?" His eyes bore into mine. It makes me want to tell him the truth.

But then, I want talk to he girls about it and the girls only. I can trust Gale, right? Of course I can, but I don't want to talk about it with him right now.

"I'll tell you another time, Gale." I reply. "I'll tell the girls, it more of their expertise."

"Okay, I understand. But if you ever need to talk I'm like a 10 second walk away." He winks and pulls me into a hug, rubbing my back. It seems like it's supposed to be soothing, but it's kind of rough. Oh well.

"Thanks." I smile.

We head into the other room where everyone else is and apparently no-one noticed we were gone. 

Apart from Peeta.

He stares into my eyes with a pleading look, but I force my head away. I'm not going to let myself get lost in his crystal-like, cerulean eyes. Those perfect eyes that make my stomach twist into knots whenever I look into them. Stop Katniss. He lied to you.

He used you.

I don't want to be here with him, or be in the same room as him.

"I'm going to head home. I have homework to do." I lie.

"Do you want any assistance with it? I'd be happy to help." Just who I want to get away from.

"No, Peeta." I snap and glare at him. "I'll be fine on my own."

And with that I walk out of the boys house, across the 10 metre path, not caring what anyone else had to say.

I burst throught doors, flinging my shoes, sprinting up the starirs and collapsing on my bed in a fit of tears. I cry. I cry Peeta's name, muffled words that I didn't even understand myself, and I cry about how my relationship with Peeta just keeps going down hill. Whenever I think it's going to get better, it gets worse. Worse and worse everytime.

The girls come back about 40 minutes later, all muttering words as they come closer to my door.

"Kat?" Glimmer calls.

"Go away!" I cry.

I hear more muttering and mumbling, and then some shuffling. I can still hear someone by my door though.

"Katniss, let me in. You have to let at least one of us know so that you let us help you." It's Annie.

I hesitate, but I realise that she's right. She could help mee sort this out or get through this.

I clamber out of my bed, slowly unlocking the door. Annie gasps so slightly it's barely audible. I'm guessing I look like a wreck.

She follows me in, and I glance in my mirror before sitting back down on my bed. She was right to gasp.

I have dark circles, my eyes are lifeless and red, my hair is straggly and tangled. I look and feel dreadful.

"So... what's happened?" She asks carefully. "What's made you feel like this?"

"I went to go and see Peeta." I start. "I felt like scaring him, so I walked into his room without knocking."

"And...?" She says questioningly.

"He was on his phone, looking at pictures of Delly." I choke out.

"Um, so?" She seems confused. "It could have just been on his Instagram feed and he hasn't unfollowed her yet."

"No, I mean, he was looking at pictures of Delly naked." I glnace up at her to see her reaction. She loks shocked, and a wave of anger takes over her face.

"What the hell is wrong with him?!" She is almost shouting.

"I know! He's is disgusting." I agree. "Can you see now why I got mad?"

"Yes, I can see why you got mad, but why were you so upset?" A glint of curiousness is in her eyes now.

Shit. What am I supposed to say? I guess at least someone should know.

"I -erm- have quite a massive, huge, enormous crush on him...?" I say, although it comes across more of a question.

"I knew it! Me and Finnick knew you would both come clean about liking each other!" Annie squeals, and then immediately covers her mouth with her hand. What did she just say?

"Wha-what?!" I'm certain I heard her wrong.

"On- errr, nothing!" She tries to cover up.

"I know you're lying." I smirk.

"Shit. I've alwasy been crap at lying." She giggles. "What I mean to say is that... wait! Don't say anything. Okay?"

"Yes! Now tell me you bitch." I laugh.

"Oi!" She snorts. "Okay, well Finnick and I both thought that you fancied each other. So when Peeta admitted to it-" I cut her off.

"Peeta likes me?!" A smile has taken over my face. It's already starting to ache.

"Yes. And so we were waiting for you to say it." Annie smiles. "And now you have!"

"Well, yeah I do. Like a lot. But I'm so mad at him right now I don't want to talk to him for the time being." He shouldn't be looking at Delly naked if he supposedly likes me. That's even more of a reason to be mad. It's just not being loyal. And he lied. He told me he broke up with Delly, and that he doesn't want to have anything to do with her anymore.

"I understand. But come on the girls are waiting and want to know if you're okay. Do you want them to know?" She drags me out of bed. I nod. "Okay then, let's go."

And I follow her down to explain to the rest of the girls.


longer chapter just for you guys. how sweet of me.

okay so yesterday when i was updating i saw that i had gained 1k reads. i literally solled. that means screamed out loud.


it means a lot, so thank you guys for sticking woth my story and reading it. ily.

vote because it'll encourage me to update;

comment because i'll respond;

and read because why the hell not.

ily bye

~ingrid x

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