Chapter 11 - Ooh La La

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Peeta' POV:

I wake up with Katniss laying on my chest, fast asleep. I gaze at all of her perfect features. She's flawless. Her piercing, enticing grey eyes, her silky hair that falls perfectly, her plump, kissable lips. I would pay so much to kiss her. I just want to have to not pay, and for her to willing to kiss me too. That isn't gonna happen.

Her eyelids flutter open and I don't budge. I can't help but stare at her.

"Enjoying the view, Mellark?" She always has to be sarcastic.

"Who wouldn't?" I laugh. And then blush. Crap. That wasn't meant to come out.

She just laughs. We stay in this position for about five minutes before everyone else wakes up.

"I'm bored." Finnick yawns.

"You only just got up, dimwit." Katniss laughs.

Finnick just rolls his eyes at Katniss' comment, "TRUTH ODAIR!" Finnick squeals like a girl and flapping his hands around.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" Johanna throws her pillow at Finnick.

"Got any better suggestions?" Finnick smirks. He knows that no-one does.

"Whatever." I mumble and everyone scrambles from their sleeping bags into a circle. Katniss gets up to go to the kitchen to find a bottle to spin. I follow behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. She doesn't squeal, jump or move at all.

"It was supposed to scare you." I state the obvious.

"Ahhhh." She says blankly. She moves then to get the bottle.

I have a cunning plan.

"Hey, Kat. I have a sneaky, sneaky idea." I whisper.

"Oooh, what...?" She asks, intrigued.

"If we take our time in here. And then when someone comes to see what we're doing, we could be kissing," She freezes at this point and I can see she's trying to hide a smile, "And then when they go back to the others and get them, we'll just be back to normal." I hope she accepts. If she doesn't, then that will be awkward.

"Sounds like a plan." She smirks. She retrives the bottle and suddenly we hear footsteps. 

She wraps her arms around my neck and jumps up, wrapping her legs around my waist. I push my lips onto hers and I feel fireworks going off everywhere. This won't mean anything to her though. We;re just best mates. I shouldn't of done this. But then again, why would she accept. Never mind.

The footsteps stop, and we hear Glimmer screaming and running back to the others, "Guys come and look at this! Look at this!"

We pull away at that point and resume what we were doing, while the other scamper in.

"What, Glimmer? What was it?" Johanna tries to knock some sense into the giddy Glimmer.

"They were kissing!" She says, pointing at us, "Kissing I tell you!"

"Is this true?" Finnick wiggles his eyebrows amd finger at us. We both somehow manage to keeps a straight face.

"What on Earth are you on about, Glim? Do you need to see a doctor?" Katniss says, checking Glimmer's forehead.

"Wha-" She starts. I interrupt her.

"You must have not had enough sleep, I mean we did go to bed late last night." 

She mutters under her breath and storms back into the living room. They believed us.

They give us confused looks and then head after Glimmer.

When they're gone we burst out laughing.

"Good plan, Mellark." She smirks and blushes at the same time.

"You did an excellent job in that, Kat" I whisper.

"Which bit...?"

"The- errrr....- the kissing." I mumble, rubbing the back of my head.

She doesn't reply. She just presses her lips against mine and leaves. What the hell just happened? Nothing will chnage though.

I bring the bottle back into the living room and we go on playing.

Next chapter HOPEFULLY will bring a lot og juicy Everlatk bits and bobs into this story.

I hope you're enjoying it.

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~Ingrid x

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